Seminar aus Theoretischer Biochemie II

BZ: Besprechungszimmer 3.Stock

SE: Seminarraum, Erdgeschoß

Vortragsdauer 45 min. anschließend 30 min. Diskussion; Vortragssprache english
(es steht ein Beamer zur Verfügung)
Date Time Location Name Title Slides
Mar 08 10:00 SE Hu Sun Chan Cooperativity Principles in Protein Folding [Abstract] 297K
Mar 14 11:00 BZ Peter Schuster Binding of Activators and Repressors to DNA [PDF] 1.9M
Mar 22 15:00 BZ Susanna Kube and Marcus Weber Clustering of Metastable Sets given by Transition Rates [PDF] 1.9M
Apr 04 11:00 BZ Peter Schuster Cooperativity, Sigmoid Binding Function and Gene Regulation [PDF] 1.9M
Apr 13 11:00 BZ Ulli Mückstein and Stephan Bernhart Applications of Cofolding and it's Variants [PDF] 869K
May 11 11:00 SE Chris Brown A new Method to Identify the Sites of RNA-Protein Interaction in Living Cells [Abstract] 295K
Jun 17 13:00 BZ Peter Schuster Analytical Treatment of Two Gene Systems
Aug 01 10:00 BZ Hakim Tafer The BLAST heuristic