How to cross-compile vpnc for the Nokia N900

This document provides a step-by-step tutorial for cross-compiling the program vpnc (a client for cisco vpn concentrator) for the Nokia N900 using the Maemo development tool MADDE (version 0.6.14, published 2010-02-05) on a 64-bit linux box running Fedora 12, and instructions are given to get cross-compiled vpnc running on the N900.


Typographical conventions

Summary of workflow

Problem: vpnc depends on libgcrypt which itself depends on libgpg-error. Both libraries are missing in MADDE version 0.6.14 resulting in the following basic workflow:

  1. build these missing libraries libgpg-error and libgcrypt using MADDE version 0.6.14.
  2. patch MADDE to provide libgpg-error and libgcrypt.
  3. build vpnc with the patched MADDE.

1. Patching MADDE for libgpg-error

Luckily we don't have to build libgpg-error, because the Maemo fremental repository provides a precompiled debian armel package with the static library and all the headers needed (libgpg-error-dev_1.4-2_armel.deb).

Debian packages are archive files containing the three files debian-binary, control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz. The needed archived files reside in data.tar.gz.

Basically the only thing we have to do is

  1. download the debian armel package from the Maemo fremental repository.
  2. extract the library and header files from the debian package.
  3. patching MADDE by copying the extracted files the proper subdirectory of the MADDE installation.
which is achieved by the following sequence of commands:

a. Extracting files from debian package

  > mkdir ~/TMP
  > cd ~/TMP
  > wget -v
  > ar p libgpg-error-dev_1.4-2_armel.deb data.tar.gz | tar zxf - ./usr/include/gpg-error.h
  > ar p libgpg-error-dev_1.4-2_armel.deb data.tar.gz | tar zxf - ./usr/lib/libgpg-error.a
  > ar p libgpg-error-dev_1.4-2_armel.deb data.tar.gz | tar zxf - ./usr/lib/

b. Patch MADDE

  > cd ~/.madde/0.6.14/sysroots/fremantle-arm-sysroot-2.2009-51-1-qt453/usr/lib
  > cp ~/TMP/usr/lib/libgpg-error.a .
  > cp ~/TMP/usr/lib/ .
  > cd ../include/
  > cp ~/TMP/usr/include/gpg-error.h .

2. Patching MADDE for libgcrypt

Next download the sources of libgcrypt, cross-compile them using the libgpg-error-patched MADDE and finally patch MADDE with the freshly build library and headers of libgcrypt.

a. Download and cross-compile libgcrypt

  > cd ~/TMP
  > wget -v
  > tar jxvf libgcrypt-1.4.5.tar.bz2
  > cd libgcrypt-1.4.5
  > mad ./configure --host=arm
  > mad make

b. Patch MADDE

  > cd ~/.madde/0.6.14/sysroots/fremantle-arm-sysroot-2.2009-51-1-qt453/usr/lib
  > cp ~/TMP/libgcrypt-1.4.5/src/libgcrypt.a .
  > cp ~/TMP/libgcrypt-1.4.5/src/ .
  > cd ../include
  > cp ~/TMP/libgcrypt-1.4.5/gcrypt.h .
  > cp ~/TMP/libgcrypt-1.4.5/gcrypt-module.h .

3. Build vpnc using the patched MADDE

Finally the stage is set to cross-compile vpnc

  > cd ~/TMP
  > wget -v
  > tar zxvf vpnc-0.5.3.tar.gz
  > cd vpnc-0.5.3
  > mad make -i
  > mad strip vpnc

(Note: You will encounter a make error after vpnc and utilities smoothly compiled and linked. Don't be worried!! The error occures during generation of vpnc's man page, which is done by the Perl script The script tries to execute the cross-compiled vnpc to get the long version number of the program, which must fail for obvious reasons. We can not run an ARM executable on an i386 plattform.)

Next we have to transfer the vpnc build to the N900.

4. Copy vpnc and utilities to the N900

Since we have to copy a bunch of files to the N900, we will make a tar archive

  > mkdir ~/TMP/vpnc-N900
  > cd ~/TMP/vpnc-N900
  > cp ../vpnc-0.5.3/vpnc .
  > cp ../vpnc-0.5.3/vpnc-script .
  > cp ../vpnc-0.5.3/vpnc-disconnect .

Create a vpnc configuration file named default.conf (replace all my.dummys in the following example with your vpn connection details)

  IPSec gateway my.vpn.gateway
  IPSec ID
  IPSec secret my.secret
  Xauth username my.username

Create a shell script named with the following content


  case "$1" in
      /usr/local/sbin/vpnc $*
      echo $0 "{start|stop}"
      exit 1

  # End of file
Finally pack the files into a tar archive (vpnc-N900.tar.gz) and copy this file to /home/user on your N900.
  > cd ..
  > tar cvf - vpnc-N900 | gzip --best -> vpnc-N900.tar.gz

5. Install vpnc on N900

Copy vpnc-N900.tar.gz to /home/user on your N900. Open a xterm and unpack vpnc-N900.tar.gz

  > tar zxvf vpnc-N900.tar.gz
  > cd vpnc-N900
  > chmod +x vpnc vpnc-disconnect vpnc-script
  > cp ../

If you have not done yet, edit default.conf and fill in your vpn connection details !!!

  > vi default.conf

The next 2 steps require root access on you N900.

Warning: Root Access enables users to change the file-system and gives full access to all system files. DON'T PLAY WITH IT, if you don't know what you are doing. (You can easily break your N900)

Copy files to system location

  > sudo gainroot
  # cp vpnc vpnc-disconnect /usr/local/sbin
  # mkdir /etc/vpnc
  # cp default.conf vpnc-script /etc/vpnc

Edit the /etc/sudoers file (using the visudo utility) to allow the user to run vpnc, vpnc-disconnect and /home/user/ as sudo without passwd

  # EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi visudo

add the following three lines at the end of the /etc/sudoers file

  user ALL = NOPASSWD /usr/local/sbin/vpnc
  user ALL = NOPASSWD /usr/local/sbin/vpnc-disconnect
  user ALL = NOPASSWD /home/user/

Warning: Root Access enables users to change the file-system and gives full access to all system files. DON'T PLAY WITH IT, if you don't know what you are doing. (You can easily break your N900)

Finally leave root shell by pressing Ctrl-D

6. Enjoy your vpn connection

Activate/deactivate the vpn connection in the xterm as follows

  > sudo ./ start
  (enter passwd when propted)

  > sudo ./ stop

7. Cleanup files

Remove vpnc-N900.tar.gz and the directory vpnc-N900/ to save space.

  > rm vpnc-N900.tar.gz
  > rm -rf vpnc-N900

I hope this document was helpful. In case of questions feel free to send email to (Please quote N900 in the subject)

Last modified: 2010-03-03 16:33:38 xtof