This is our first attempt for a software package for Detecting Conserved RNA Structures by combining thermodynamic prediction with an multiple sequence alignment. This software is part of the Vienna RNA Package, see In general typing make all should be sufficient to build the three programs alidot, pfrali and amount. We also provide several helpful perl scripts (see below). You may have to adjust the path to your perl in the first line of these scripts. You really should read the Manual (in info, html or dvi format). However, for the impatient, here's a short synopsis: The programs alidot, pfrali and amount read alignments from stdin, e.g. as: alidot < clustal.aln where clustal.aln contains a CLUSTAL W alignment. For each sequence name in the alignment file there must be a .mfe file in the current directory for alidot and a file for pfrali and amount. amount produces aligned mountain plots suitable for input to xmgr; n+2 sets will be produces the last two being the average and mean distance. Output of alidot and pfrali: a) to stdout the list of base pairs sorted by number of incompatible sequences, number of compensatory mutations, and frequency or pseudo-entropy b) a file containing the color coded dot plot red only one type of base pair (no compensatory mutations) ochre 2 types green 3 types pale some sequence are non-compatible Only base pairs compatible with all higher ranked pairs are shown on the lower left side. Look at for an example of the color code. Perl scripts: zoom into a dot plot, e.g. -f 100 -l 300 > produce consensus sequence and structure, e.g. seqs.aln alidot.out > consens produced colored mountain representation from split RNAfold output with many structures into individual .mfe files annotate Xrna plots annotate structure plots from RNAplot A perl Tk application to view the output of alidot and pfrali. Better than looking at the postscript dot-plots in gv. Use as e.g.: alidot.out Requires perl 5.004 or later with Tk extensions. WARNING: This not (yet) stable software. Please do not redistribute this version and use at your own risk. Send comments and bugs reports to