Conserved RNA Secondary Structures in Picornaviridae Genomes
Christina Witwer,
Susanne Rauscher,
Ivo L. Hofacker,
Peter F. Stadler.
The family Picornaviridae contains important pathogens including, for
example, Hepatitis A virus and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus. The genome of
these viruses is a single messenger-active (+)-RNA of 7200 to 8500nts.
Besides coding for the viral proteins, it also contains functionally
important RNA secondary structures, among them an IRES region toward the
This contribution provides a comprehensive computational survey of the
complete genomic RNAs and a detailed comparative analysis of the conserved
structural elements in seven of the currently nine genera in the family
Picornaviridae. Compared with previous studies we find: (1) that only
smaller sections of the IRES region than previously reported are conserved
at single-base-pair resolution, and (2) that there is a number of
significant structural elements in the coding region. Furthermore we
identify potential CREs in four genera where this feature has not been
reported so far.
Picornaviridae, RNA secondary structure, IRES, CRE
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