MFE structure of a single sequence

  1. Use a text editor (emacs, vi, nano, gedit) to prepare an input file by pasting the text below and save it under the name test.seq in your data folder.
      > test
  2. Compute the best (MFE) structure for this sequence
      $ RNAfold < test.seq 
      .........((((...)))). ( -5.70)
The last line of the text output contains the predicted MFE structure as dot-bracket notation and its free energy in kcal/mol. A dot in the dot-bracket notation represents an unpaired position, while a base pair (i, j) is represented by a pair of matching parentheses at position i and j.

RNAfold created a file named Let's take a look at it with gv, a PostScript2 viewer. The & at the end starts the program in the background.

  $ gv &
Compare the dot-bracket notation to the PostScript drawing shown in the file

The calculation above does not tell us whether the predicted structure is the only possibility or not, so let's look at the equilibrium ensemble instead.

Sven Findeiss 2013-11-22