806887 VO Grundlagen der Bioinformatik


Vorbesprechung: 2. Oktober 2002, 10:30. Hörsaal Währingerstr 17, Erdgeschoss.
Seminarraum des Inst. f. Theoret. Chemie und Molekulare Strukturbiologie,
Rennweg 95b, 1030 Wien EINGANG: Dr. Bohrg. 7, großes Gebäude im Hof.
täglich von 10:15-18:00 mit entsprechenden Pausen am Mo 14.10, Di 22.10, Mi 23.10, Do. 24.10.
Pruefung: 2 Schriftliche Termine in November:
Do 7.11 11:00-12:30 Währingerstrasse 17, Seminarraum im Erdgeschoss
Di 26.11 11:00-12:30 Währingerstrasse 17, Seminarraum im Erdgeschoss
Anmeldung bis zu 2 Tage vorher an Judith Ivansits julie@tbi.univie.ac.at

Alignments, Cluster Analyse, Multiple Alignments, Phylogenetische Bäume
Nach dem
neuen Studienplan anrechenbar für das Fach Theoretische Chemie im 2. Studienabschnitt.
Nach dem Studienplan "Molekulare Biologie" anrechenbar im Rahmen des Schwerpunkt Faches "Bioinformatik"

Additional Reading

BioComputing Hypertext Coursebook ``This following set of tutorial texts has been developed for the award-winning VSNS-BCD BioComputing Courses, aimed at a mixed audience of biologists, computer scientists, and students + researchers of related areas, on a late undergraduate / graduate level''.

RNA Secondary Structure
Lectures by Michael Zuker, Bio-5495 Institute for Biomedical Computing Washington University Medical School St. Louis, MO 63110.

The Biocomputing Glossary

Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs
by David Aldous and James A. Fill. This an ``early draft'' of a monograph on Markov chains.

Program Packages

PHYLIP is a free package of programs for inferring phylogenies.

CLUSTAL W is a program for multiple sequence alignment which includes several modifications to improve results for the alignment of divergent protein sequences. A description of the algorithms is here.

The Vienna RNA Package for computing and comparing RNA secondary structures.

Last modified: Thu Jan 10 19:53:09 CET 2002