Seminar aus Theoretischer Biochemie I

Zeit: Mo 11:00
 Ort: Besprechungszimmer 3.Stock

Vortragsdauer 45 min. anschließend 30 min. Diskussion; Vortragssprache english
(es steht ein Beamer zur Verfügung)
Date Name Title Slides
Okt 07 Benkö, G Artificial Chemistries [PDF] 306k
Okt 21 Witwer, C Maximum-Weighted-Matching in Theorie [PDF] 170k
Maximum-Weighted-Matching in Action [PDF] 184k
Okt 28 Cupal, J RNA shape space topology [PS.GZ] 1.9M
Taylor, T Allosteric Ribozymes ---- ----
Nov 04 Mückstein, U Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks [PDF] 499k
Nov 11 Soellner, J B-cell epitope prediction ---- ----
Nov 18 Widder, S RNA Regulatory Networks [PDF] 677k
Nov 25 Witwer, C Conserved Secondary Structure Elements in Picornaviridae [PDF] 323k
Dez 02 Hackermueller, J Statistical Analysis of MicroArray Data [PDF] 752k
Stocsits, R Improving Alignments by Using Genetic Information [PDF] 239k
Dez 16 Abfalter, I Molecular Model for Limb Development [PDF] 755k
Jan 13 Langhammer, U Artificial Evolution: The RNA Model [PDF] 281k
Jan 20 Wolfinger, M Energy Landscapes of Lattice Proteins [PS.GZ] 880k
Taylor, T Small Word Networks ---- ----
Jan 27 Thurner, C Things I have to say about Flaviviridae! [PDF] 585k