
Summer Term 2013: Stochastic chemical kinetics [Information: Pdf, 0,1 MB]
[Text: Pdf, 39,4 MB ]
Summer Term 2014: Evolutionary dynamics [Information: Pdf, 0,3 MB]
[Text: Pdf, 28,6 MB]
Winter Term 2015/16: Vertiefung Evolution [Praesentation: Pdf, 23,8 MB]
Summer Term 2016: Stochastic chemical kinetics [Information: Pdf, 0,1 MB]
[Book: Product Flyer ]
Winter Term 2016/17: Vertiefung Evolution [Praesentation: Pdf, 21,1 MB]


Recent Preprints and Reprints:

Dynamic patterns of gene regulation I: Simple two gene systems [Pdf, 0,8MB]
Early replicons: Origin and evolution [Pdf,15,1MB]
Binding of activators and repressors to DNA. Part I: Equilibria [Pdf, 2,0MB]
Ursprung des Lebens aus der Sicht der Chemie [Pdf, 1,2MB]
Boltzmann and evolution: Some basic questions of biology seen with atomistic glasses [Pdf, 8,6MB]
Modeling in Biological Chemistry. From Biochemical Kinetics to Systems Biology [Pdf, 2,8MB]
The mathematics of Darwinian systems [Pdf, 6,2MB]
Genotypes in phenotypes in the evolution of molecules [Pdf, 1,4MB]
Inverse problems in systems biology [Pdf, 3,5MB]
Mathematical modeling of evolution. Solved and open problems [Pdf, 3,1MB]
Mit Mathematik und Computer auf Entdeckungsreisen in der Evolutionsbiologie [Pdf, 1,3MB]
Physical principles of evolution [Pdf, 1,1MB]
The mathematics of Darwin's theory of evolution: 1859 and 150 years later [Pdf, 1,3MB]
Evolution on realistic fitness lanscapes [Pdf, 4,9MB]
Evolution der Moleküle [Pdf, 1,3MB]
Evolution and Quasispecies [Pdf, 5,3MB]


Book Manuscripts:

Stochasticity in Processes. Fundamentals and applications to chemistry and biology.[Pdf, 18,0MB]



Was ist und zu welchem Ende benötigt man eine Akademie der Wissenschaften? [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Vom Radiuminstitut zum Forschungsträger [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Welche Voraussetzungen benötigt Spitzenforschung und woran kann man ihre Ergebnisse messen? [Pdf, 0,1MB]
... denn wir wissen nicht, wohin die Reise geht. Vier Überlegungen, vier Anregungen zum Nachdenken [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Abschiedsrede des Präsidenten [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Exzellenzstrategie in der Grundlagenforschung. Mehr als ein Lippenbekenntnis? [Pdf, 0,2MB]
Designing living matter. Can we do better than evolution? [Pdf, 3,0MB]


Simply Complex:

The disaster of central control. An impressive example from nature [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Chemical reaction kinetics is back: Attempts to deal with complexity in biology [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Generation of information and complexity – Different forms of learning and innovation [Pdf, 0,1MB]
The commons’ tragicomedy – Self-governance doesn’t come easily [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Evolution and design – The Darwinian view of evolution is a scientific fact and not an ideology [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Less is more and the art of modeling complex phenomena – Simplification may but need not
be the key to handle large networks
[Pdf, 0,1MB]
Untamable curiosity, innovation, discovery, and bricolage. Are we doomed to progress to ever
increasing complexity?
[Pdf, 0,1MB]
Boltzmann, atomism, evolution, and statistics. Continuity versus discreteness in biology [Pdf, 0,1MB]
The role of nonlinear dynamics from physics to biology. Selforganization – An old paradigm revisited [Pdf, 0,1MB]
The beginning of the end of the holism versus reductionism debate? Molecular biology goes
cellular and organismic
[Pdf, 0,1MB]
Are there recipes how to handle complexity? Biological evolution creates complex entities and
knows how to master them
[Pdf, 0,1MB]
Free will, information, quantum mechanics, and biology [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Origins of life. Concepts, data, and debates [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Contingency and memory in evolution. High dimensionality and sparse occupation create history
in complex systems
[Pdf, 0,4MB]
Power laws in biology. Between fundamental regularities and useful interpolation rules [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Networks in biology. Handling biological complexity requires novel inputs into network theory [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Is there a Newton of the blade of grass? The complex relation between mathematics, phsics, and biology [Pdf, 0,7MB]
Lethal mutagenesis, error thresholds, and the fight against viruses [Pdf, 0,3MB]
A revival of the landscape paradigm [Pdf, 0,8MB]
A silent revolution in mathematics [Pdf, 0,1MB]
Recycling and growth in early evolution and today [Pdf, 0,3MB]
Are computer scientists the sutlers of modern biology? [Pdf, 0,1MB]
The dilemma of statistics [Pdf, 0,2MB]


For the complete list of publication of Peter Schuster see [all articles



© NOTICE: All papers are copyrighted by the authors; revised versions that appear in print are copyrighted by the publication in which each appears. If you would like to use all or a portion of any paper, please contact the author.


© Peter Schuster, July 20, 2014.