Python Examples

MFE Prediction (flat interface)

import RNA

# The RNA sequence

# compute minimum free energy (MFE) and corresponding structure
(ss, mfe) = RNA.fold(seq)

# print output
print("{}\n{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(seq, ss, mfe))

MFE Prediction (object oriented interface)

import RNA;


# create new fold_compound object
fc = RNA.fold_compound(sequence)

# compute minimum free energy (mfe) and corresponding structure
(ss, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# print output
print("{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(ss, mfe))

Suboptimal Structure Prediction

import RNA

sequence = "GGGGAAAACCCC"

# Set global switch for unique ML decomposition
RNA.cvar.uniq_ML = 1

subopt_data = { 'counter' : 1, 'sequence' : sequence }

# Print a subopt result as FASTA record
def print_subopt_result(structure, energy, data):
    if not structure == None:
        print(">subopt {:d}".format(data['counter']))
        print("{}\n{} [{:6.2f}]".format(data['sequence'], structure, energy))
        # increase structure counter
        data['counter'] = data['counter'] + 1

# Create a 'fold_compound' for our sequence
a = RNA.fold_compound(sequence)

# Enumerate all structures 500 dacal/mol = 5 kcal/mol arround
# the MFE and print each structure using the function above
a.subopt_cb(500, print_subopt_result, subopt_data);

Boltzmann Sampling

a.k.a. Probabilistic Backtracing

import RNA


def store_structure(s, data):
    A simple callback function that stores
    a structure sample into a list
    if s:

First we prepare a fold_compound object

# create model details
md =

# activate unique multibranch loop decomposition
md.uniq_ML = 1

# create fold compound object
fc = RNA.fold_compound(sequence, md)

# compute MFE
(ss, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# rescale Boltzmann factors according to MFE

# compute partition function to fill DP matrices

Now we are ready to perform Boltzmann sampling

# 1. backtrace a single sub-structure of length 10

# 2. backtrace a single sub-structure of length 50

# 3. backtrace multiple sub-structures of length 10 at once
for s in fc.pbacktrack5(20, 10):

# 4. backtrace multiple sub-structures of length 50 at once
for s in fc.pbacktrack5(100, 50):

# 5. backtrace a single structure (full length)

# 6. backtrace multiple structures at once
for s in fc.pbacktrack(100):

# 7. backtrace multiple structures non-redundantly
for s in fc.pbacktrack(100, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT):

# 8. backtrace multiple structures non-redundantly (with resume option)
num_samples = 500
iterations  = 15
d           = None # pbacktrack memory object
s_list      = []

for i in range(0, iterations):
    d, ss   = fc.pbacktrack(num_samples, d, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT)
    s_list  = s_list + list(ss)

for s in s_list:

# 9. backtrace multiple sub-structures of length 50 in callback mode
ss  = []
i   = fc.pbacktrack5(100, 50, store_structure, ss)

for s in ss:

# 10. backtrace multiple full-length structures in callback mode
ss  = list()
i   = fc.pbacktrack(100, store_structure, ss)

for s in ss:

# 11. non-redundantly backtrace multiple full-length structures in callback mode
ss  = list()
i   = fc.pbacktrack(100, store_structure, ss, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT)

for s in ss:

# 12. non-redundantly backtrace multiple full length structures
# in callback mode with resume option
ss = []
d  = None # pbacktrack memory object

for i in range(0, iterations):
    d, i = fc.pbacktrack(num_samples, store_structure, ss, d, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT)

for s in ss:

# 13. backtrace a single substructure from the sequence interval [10:50]
print("{}".format(fc.pbacktrack_sub(10, 50)))

# 14. backtrace multiple substructures from the sequence interval [10:50]
for s in fc.pbacktrack_sub(100, 10, 50):

# 15. backtrace multiple substructures from the sequence interval [10:50] non-redundantly
for s in fc.pbacktrack_sub(100, 10, 50, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT):

RNAfold -p MEA equivalent


import RNA


# create fold_compound data structure (required for all subsequently applied  algorithms)
fc = RNA.fold_compound(seq)

# compute MFE and MFE structure
(mfe_struct, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# rescale Boltzmann factors for partition function computation

# compute partition function
(pp, pf) =

# compute centroid structure
(centroid_struct, dist) = fc.centroid()

# compute free energy of centroid structure
centroid_en = fc.eval_structure(centroid_struct)

# compute MEA structure
(MEA_struct, MEA) = fc.MEA()

# compute free energy of MEA structure
MEA_en = fc.eval_structure(MEA_struct)

# print everything like RNAfold -p --MEA
print("{}\n{} ({:6.2f})".format(seq, mfe_struct, mfe))
print("{} [{:6.2f}]".format(pp, pf))
print("{} {{{:6.2f} d={:.2f}}}".format(centroid_struct, centroid_en, dist))
print("{} {{{:6.2f} MEA={:.2f}}}".format(MEA_struct, MEA_en, MEA))
print(" frequency of mfe structure in ensemble {:g}; ensemble diversity {:-6.2f}".format(fc.pr_structure(mfe_struct), fc.mean_bp_distance()))

MFE Consensus Structure Prediction

import RNA

# The RNA sequence alignment
sequences = [

# compute the consensus sequence
cons = RNA.consensus(sequences)

# predict Minmum Free Energy and corresponding secondary structure
(ss, mfe) = RNA.alifold(sequences);

# print output
print("{}\n{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(cons, ss, mfe))

MFE Prediction (deviating from default settings)

import RNA

# The RNA sequence

# create a new model details structure
md =

# change temperature and dangle model
md.temperature = 20.0 # 20 Deg Celcius
md.dangles     = 1    # Dangle Model 1

# create a fold compound
fc = RNA.fold_compound(seq, md)

# predict Minmum Free Energy and corresponding secondary structure
(ss, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# print sequence, structure and MFE
print("{}\n{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(seq, ss, mfe))

Fun with Soft Constraints

import RNA


# Turn-off dangles globally
RNA.cvar.dangles = 0

# Data structure that will be passed to our MaximumMatching() callback with two components:
# 1. a 'dummy' fold_compound to evaluate loop energies w/o constraints, 2. a fresh set of energy parameters
mm_data = { 'dummy': RNA.fold_compound(seq1), 'params': RNA.param() }

# Nearest Neighbor Parameter reversal functions
revert_NN = { 
    RNA.DECOMP_PAIR_HP:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_hp_loop(i, j) - 100,
    RNA.DECOMP_PAIR_IL:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_int_loop(i, j, k, l) - 100,
    RNA.DECOMP_PAIR_ML:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - p.MLclosing - p.MLintern[0] - (j - i - k + l - 2) * p.MLbase - 100,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_ML_STEM:    lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - p.MLintern[0] - (l - k - 1) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_STEM:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - p.MLintern[0] - (j - i - k + l) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_ML:         lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - (j - i - k + l) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_ML_ML:      lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: 0,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_UP:         lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - (j - i + 1) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_STEM:      lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_ext_stem(k, l),
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_EXT:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: 0,
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_STEM_EXT:  lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_ext_stem(i, k),
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_EXT_STEM:  lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_ext_stem(l, j),

# Maximum Matching callback function (will be called by RNAlib in each decomposition step)
def MaximumMatching(i, j, k, l, d, data):
    return revert_NN[d](i, j, k, l, data['dummy'], data['params'])

# Create a 'fold_compound' for our sequence
fc = RNA.fold_compound(seq1)

# Add maximum matching soft-constraints
fc.sc_add_data(mm_data, None)

# Call MFE algorithm
(s, mm) = fc.mfe()

# print result
print("{}\n{} (MM: {:d})".format(seq1, s, int(-mm)))

Parsing Alignments

Reading the first entry from a STOCKHOLM 1.0 formatted MSA file msa.stk may look like this:

num, names, aln, id, ss = RNA.file_msa_read("msa.stk")

Similarly, if the file contains more than one alignment, one can use the RNA.file_msa_read_record() function to subsequently read each alignment separately:

with open("msa.stk") as f:
    while True:
        num, names, aln, id, ss = RNA.file_msa_read_record(f)
        if num < 0:
        elif num == 0:
            print("empty alignment")
            print(names, aln)

After successfully reading the first record, the variable num contains the number of sequences in the alignment (the actual return value of the C-function), while the variables names, aln, id, and ss are lists of the sequence names and aligned sequences, as well as strings holding the alignment ID and the structure as stated in the SS_cons line, respectively.


The last two return values may be empty strings in case the alignment does not provide the required data.