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Mini CV

Below, you find a brief version of my Curriculum Vitae.
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Current Location
Title Dipl. Inform. Dr. rer. nat.
Name Ronny Lorenz
Address Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Waehringerstrasse 17/3/303, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Phone +43 1 4277 52734
Email ronny [at]
Education and Study
12/07 - 09/14 Phd study, University of Vienna, Institute for Theoretical Chemistry (Applied Theoretical Biochemistry Group)
09/00 - 11/07 Diploma study, University of Leipzig, Department of Computer Science (focus on bioinformatics)
09/99 - 08/00 Diploma study, University of Leipzig, Department of Chemistry (break-off after 2nd semester)
08/90 - 07/98 Final secondary-school examination (Abitur), I. Kant Gymnasium Leipzig, Germany
08/86 - 07/90 primary-school, 4.POS "Amilcar Cabral", Leipzig, Germany
Traineeships and work
09/05 - 10/07 DynaMo project group, University of Leipzig, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE)
10/02 - 12/03 Tutor for practical course "Hardware and Electronic basics", University of Leipzig, Department of Computer Science
08/01 - 10/01 Traineeship, software development for office and workflow management, Graf Solms Investvermittlung
Skills & Interests
Programming/Scripting C (for AVR microcontrollers), C++, Java, R, PERL, PYTHON, PHP, MySQL, OpenGL, Latex
Webdesign HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, D3js
Operating Systems Linux/Unix, Windows, AmigaOS
Languages German (native), English
RNA folding kinetics, secondary structure landscape, co-transcriptional folding, riboswitches
Electronics Development of microcontroller based digital circuits (from layouting and etching of PCBs to soldering and debugging)