Theoretical Biochemistry Group

Institute for Theoretical Chemistry

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Peter Schuster.
Evolution von und mit Molekülen
In: Th. Kircher, B. Lembcke, and M. Kist (eds).
Ökosystem Darm, Mikrobiologie, Tumorpathogenese, Neurgastroenterologie, Grundlagenforschung für neue Therapieoptionen VIII: 299-321, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
Peter Schuster.
Evolution in molekularer Auflösung.
In: Berichte und Abhandlungen, Band 6. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 187-215, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1999
Peter Schuster.
Is preservation of diversity a constraint on molecular evolution?
In: Hans Frauenfelder, J. Deisenhofer, and Peter G. Wolynes (eds).
Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic Acids.
Dahlem Workshop Report. Dahlem University Press, Kap.18, pp. 313-337 1999
Peter Schuster.
Grundprinzipien der Selbstorganisation in komplexen Systemen.
In: Karl Toifl (ed.)
Chaostheorie und Medizin. Selbstorganisation im komplexen System Mensch.
Verlag Wilhelm Maudrich, Wien, pp. 9-28, 1999.
Peter Schuster.
Molecular insights into evolution.
Artif. Life Robotics, 3: 19-23, 1999.
Peter Schuster.
Künstliche Evolution. Von der Theorie zur Erzeugung neuer Biomoleküle mit vorherbestimmbaren Eigenschaften.
In: D. Ganten, K. Urban, H. Schwarz, H. Ropers, H. Scheich, and E. Truscheit (eds).
Gene, Neuronen, Q-Bits & Co. Unsere Welten der Information.
Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte. 120. Versammlung. Berlin 1998. S. Hirzel. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 147-162, 1999.
Peter Schuster.
Beherrschung von Komplexität in der Molekularen Evolution.
In: Klaus Mainzer (ed.)
Komplexe Systeme und Nichtlineare Dynamik in der Natur und Gesellschaft. Komplexitätsforschung in Deutschland auf dem Weg ins nächste Jahrtausend.
Springer-Verlag, pp. 117-145, Berlin, 1999.
Peter Schuster, and Peter F. Stadler.
Nature and Evolution of Early Replicons.
In: Origin and Evolution of Viruses, E. Domingo, R. G. Webster, J. Holland (eds).
Academic Press, pp. 1-24, San Diego, 1999
Peter Schuster, and Walter Fontana.
Chance and necessity in evolution: Lessons from RNA.
Physica D, 133: 427-452 1999.
Peter Schuster, and Peter Wolschann.
Hydrogen bonding: From small clusters to biopolymers.
Mh. Chem., 130: 947-960, 1999.
Peter F. Stadler.
Fitness Landscapes Arising from the Sequence-Structure Maps of Biopolymers.
J. Mol. Struct.(THEOCHEM), 463: 7-19, 1999
Peter F. Stadler, and G. Tinhofer.
Equitable Partitions, Coherent Algebras and Random Walks: Applications to the Correlation Structure of Landscapes.
Match, 40: 215-261, 1999
Peter F. Stadler, and Robert Happel.
Random field models for fitness landscapes.
J. Math. Biol., 38: 435-478, 1999.
Robert Happel, and Peter F. Stadler.
Autocatalytic replication in a CSTR and constant organization.
J. Math. Biol., 38: 422-434, 1999.
Ivo L. Hofacker, and Peter F. Stadler.
Automatic detection of conserved base pairing patterns in RNA virus genomes.
Comp. & Chem., 23: 401-414, 1999.
Christoph Flamm, Ivo L. Hofacker, and Peter F. Stadler.
RNA in silico: The Computational Biology of RNA Secondary Structures.
Adv. Complex Syst., 2: 65-90, 1999.
Jan Cupal, Peter Schuster, and Peter F. Stadler.
Topology in Phenotype Space.
In: R. Giegerich et al. (eds.)
Computer Science in Biology, GCB'99 Proceedings, pp 9-15, Univ. Bielefeld, Hannover, Germany, 1999.
Christian Haslinger, and Peter F. Stadler.
RNA Structures with Pseudo-knots: Graph-theoretical, Combinatorial, and Statistical Properities.
Bull. Math. Biol., 61: 437-467, 1999.
Roman Stocsits, Ivo L. Hofacker, and Peter F. Stadler.
Conserved Secondary Structures in Hepatitis B Virus RNA.
In: R. Giegerich et al. (eds.)
Computer Science in Biology, GCB'99 Proceedings, pp. 73-79, Univ. Bielefeld, Hannover, Germany, 1999
Günther Weberndorfer, Ivo L. Hofacker, and Peter F. Stadler.
An Efficient Potential for Protein Sequence Design.
In: R. Giegerich et al. (eds.)
Computer Science in Biology, GCB'99 Proceedings, pp. 107-112, Univ. Bielefeld, Hannover, Germany, 1999
Bärbel M.R. Stadler.
Adaptive Platform Dynamics in Multi-party Spatial Voting.
Adv.Complex Systems, 2: 101-116, 1999.
Günter P. Wagner, and Peter F. Stadler.
Complex Adaptations and the Structure of Recombination Spaces.
In: C. L. Nehaniv, M. Ito (eds).
Algebraic Engineering World Scientific. "Proceedings of the Conference on Semi-Groups and Algebraic Engineering"
University of Aizu, Japan, pp. 96-115, 1999.
Andreas Wagner, and Peter F. Stadler.
Viral RNA and Evolved Mutational Robustness.
J. Exper. Zool. (Molec. Develop. Evol. Biol.), 285: 119-127, 1999.
Alexandra Maier, Heinz Sklenar, Herbert F. Kratky, Alexander Renner, and Peter Schuster.
Force field based conformational analysis of RNA structural motifs: GNRA tetraloops and their pyrimidine relatives.
Eur. Biophys.J., 28: 564-573, 1999.
Stefan Wuchty, Walter Fontana, Ivo L. Hofacker, and Peter Schuster.
Complete suboptimal folding of RNA and the stability of secondary structures.
Biopolymers, 49: 145-165, 1999.
Viviane M. de Oliveira, José F. Fontanari, and Peter F. Stadler.
Metastable states in Short-ranged p-spin Glasses.
J.Phys. A: Math.Gen., 32: 8793-8802, 1999.
Luckhana Lawtrakul, Supa Hannongbua, Anton Beyer, and Peter Wolschann.
Conformational study of the HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor 1-((2-Hydroxyethoxy) methyl)-6-(phenylthio)thymine (HEPT).
Biol. Chem., 380: 265-267, 1999.
Luckhana Lawtrakul, Supa Hannongbua, Anton Beyer, and Peter Wolschann.
Molecular Calculations on the Conformation of the HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor 1-((2-Hydroxyethoxy)methyl)-6-(phenylthio)thymine (HEPT).
Mh. Chem., 130: 1347-1363, 1999.
Supa Hannongbua, Pornpan Pungpo, Jumras Limtrakul, and Peter Wolschann.
Quantitative structure-activity relationships and comparative molecular field analysis of TIBO derivatised HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
J. Comp. Aided Mol. Design., 13: 563-577, 1999.
Aleksander Koll, and Peter Wolschann.
Mannich-Bases as Model Compounds for Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding II. Structure and Properties in Solution.
Mh. Chem., 130: 983-1001, 1999.
Thomas Müller, Michael Dallos, and Hans Lischka.
The ethylene 11B1u V state revisited.
J. Chem. Phys., 110(15): 7176-7184, 1999.
Alfred Karpfen.
Torsional Potentials of Perfluoro-1,3-butadiene and Perfluoro-1,3,5-hexatriene: A Comparison of ab initio and Density Functional Results.
J. Phys. Chem., 103: 2821-2827, 1999.
Alfred Karpfen.
The intermolecular interaction between amines and F2. An ab initio study.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 299: 493-502, 1999.
Alfred Karpfen.
The Dimer of Acetylene and the Dimer of Diacetylene: A Floppy and a Very Floppy Molecule.
J. Phys. Chem., 103: 11431-11441, 1999.
Alfred Karpfen.
The Dimer of Cyanodiacetylene: Stacking vs. Hydrogen Bonding.
Mh. Chem., 130: 1017-1030, 1999.
Werner Jakubetz, Jonathan N. L. Connor, and Philip J. Kuntz.
A classical-path surface study of Mu, H and T hot-atom collisions with F2.
Phys. Chem. Chem., 1: 1213-1225, 1999.
Werner Jakubetz.
Faraday Discuss.,113: 355, 1999.
Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Peter W. Michor, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
Bounds on the Multiplicity of Eigenvalues for Fixed Membranes.
GAFA, Geom.Funct.Anal., 9: 1169-1188, 1999.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhoff, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
On the Multiplicity of Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Surfaces.
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 17: 43-48, 1999.
Bernard Helffer, Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhoff, and Mark P. Owen.
Nodal Sets for Groundstates of Schrödinger Operators with Zero Magnetic Field in Non Simply Connected Domains.
Comm. Math. Phys., 202: 629-649, 1999.
R, Hardt, Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhoff, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
Critical Sets of Solutions to elliptic Equations.
J. Differential Geometry, 51: 359-373, 1999.
Stefan Boresch, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Rationalizing the Effects of Modified Electrostatic Interactions in Computer Simulations: The Dielectric Self-Consistent Field (DSCF) Method.
J. Chem. Phys., 111: 8271-8274, 1999.
Stefan Boresch, and Sabine Ringhofer, Peter Höchtl, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Towards a better Understanding and Description of Biomolecular Solvation.
Biophys. Chem., 78: 43-68, 1999.
Stefan Boresch, and Martin Karplus.
The Role of Bonded Terms in Free Energy Simulations: I. Theoretical Analysis.
J. Phys. Chem. A., 103: 103-118, 1999.
Stefan Boresch, and Martin Karplus.
The Role of Bonded Terms in Free Energy Simulations: II. Calculation of their Influence on free Energy Differences of Solvation.
J. Phys. Chem. A., 103: 119-136, 1999.
Stefan Boresch, and Martin Karplus.
A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Unfolding of Barnase Induced by Reaction Field Perturbation.
PCCP, 1: 4355-4370, 1999.
Sabine Ringhofer, Jörg Kallen, Raimund Dutzler, Andreas Billich, A. J. W. G. Visser, D. Scholz, Othmar Steinhauser, Helfried Schreiber, Manfred Auer, and Andreas J. Kungl.
X-Ray Structure and Conformational Dynamics of the HIV-1 Protease in Complex with the Inhibitor SDZ283-910: Agreement of Tim-Resolved Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
J. Mol. Biol., 286: 1147-1159, 1999.
Sigfried Höfinger, Othmar Steinhauser, and Peter Zinterhof.
Performance Analysis and Derived Paralellization Strategy for a SCF Program at the Hartree Fock Level.
Lect. Nt. Comp. Sc., 1557: 163, 1999.
Christian Th. Klein, and Bernd Mayer.
Sources for structure formation and switches in metabolic pathways.
BioSystems, 51: 41-52, 1999.
Bernd Mayer, Christian Th. Klein, Irina N. Topchieva, and Gottfried Köhler.
Selective assembly of cyclodextrins on poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide) block copolymers.
J. Comp.-Aided Mol. Design, 13: 373-383, 1999.
Anna Eremenko, Natalie Smirnova, Olga Rusina, Karl Rechthaler, Gottfried Köhler, Vladimir Ogenko, and Alaxaj Chuiko.
Photophysical Study of Donor-Acceptor-Substituted Stilbenes on Silica-Titania Surfaces.
In: Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Chemically Modified Surfaces.
J. Blitz and Ch. Little (eds).
The Royal Society of Chemistry, Canbridge, 333-340, 1999.
Tadashi Okada, Makoto Uesugi, Gottfried Köhler, Karl Rechthaler, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, Wolfgang Rettig, and Gottfried Grabner.
Time-resolved Spectroscopy of DMABN and Its Cage Derivatives 6-Cyanobenzquinuclidineand Benzquinuclidine.
Chem. Phys., 241: 327-337, 1999.
Andreas Parusel, Gottfried Köhler, and Marcel Nooijen.
A Coupled-Cluster Analysis of the exlectronic Excited States in Aminobenzonitriles.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 103: 4056-4064, 1999.
Karl Rechthaler, Rudolf Schamschule, Andreas Parusel, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, Danuta Piorun, and Gottfried Köhler.
Fluorescence Properties of an Electron-Acceptor Substituted Bis-Pyeazolopyridine Derivative: NO2-DMPP.
Acta. Phys. Polon., 95: 321-334, 1999.
Dominik Hermann, Anna-Christine Schnock, Kurt Polborn, Rudolf Gomper and Susanne Stark, Andreas Parusel, Gottfried Grabner, and Gottfried Köhler.
Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Semiempirical Study of a Novel Porphyrin-Flavin Dyad.
Chem. Eur. J., 5: 3208-3220, 1999.
Clemens Armbruster, Martin Knapp, Karl Rechthaler, Rudolf Schamschule, Andreas B.J. Parusel, Gottfried Köhler, and Wolfgang Wehrmann.
Fluorescence Properties of 1-Heptanoylpyrene. A Probe for Hydrogen Bonding in Microaggregates and Biological Membranes.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 125: 29-38, 1999.
R. S. Murphy, T. C. Barrows, J. Barnes, Bernd Mayer, Giancarlo Marconi, and Cornelia Bohne.
Complexation of Fluorenone and Xanthone to Cyclodextrins. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Studies.
J. Phys. Chem., 103: 137-146, 1999.
Hiroshi Miyasaka, Akira Itaya, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, and Karl Rechthaler.
Picosecond laser photolysis studies of DMA-DMPP in solution.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 307: 121-130, 1999.
Claire Richard, and Gottfried Grabner.
Mechanism of phototransformation of phenol and derivatives in aqueous solution.
P.Boule (ed.)
In: Handbook of Environmental Chemistry.
Part L, Vol.2, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 217-240, 1999.

Florent Bonnichon, Gottfried Grabner, Guislain Guyot, and Claire Richard.
Photochemistry of substituted 4-halogenophenols. Effect of a CN substituent.
J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans., II., 1203-1210, 1999.
Pierre Boule, Khaled Othmen, Claire Richard, Beata Szczepanik, and Gottfried Grabner.
Phototransformation of halogenoaromatic derivatives in aqueous solution.
J. Photoenergy, 1: 56-61, 1999.
Anke Welland, Friedemann W. Schneider, and Andreas B.J. Parusel.
Dual fluorescence of iso-NEQ cation in ethanol and methanol: A time-resolved emission and semiempirical study.
Chem.Phys., 240: 403-412, 1999.
K. Pirowska, Andreas B.J. Parusel, Jan Najbar, P. Kodek, and Peter Gajdek.
The LIF excitation spectrum of jet-cooled 3-aminobiphenyl.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 310: 537-547, 1999.
Friederike Swoboda, and Sonja Solar.
Comparative study on the radiolytic degradation of 4-hydroxybenzoate and 4-hydroxybenzoic ethyl ester.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 56: 291-301, 1999.
Robert Zona, Susanne Schmid, and Sonja Solar.
Detoxification of Aqueous Chlorophenol Solutions by Ionizing Radiation.
Wat. Res., 33(5): 1314-1319, 1999.
Christine Krach, Gerhard Sonntag, and Sonja Solar.
A simple chemical method for identification of irradiated industrial processed food..
Food Research International, 32: 43-47, 1999.


Peter Schuster.
Was ist Leben?
Vortrag beim Österreichischen Wissenschaftstag 1998.
In: G. Magerl and K. L. Komarek, eds.
Virtualität und Realität. Bild und Wirklichkeit in den Naturwissenschaften.
Wissenschaft-Bildung-Politik. Vol. 2: 114-142. Verlag Böhlau, Wien, Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1998.
Peter Schuster.
Evolution in an RNA world.
Foundations of Modern Biochemistry, Vol. 4: 159-198, 1998
Peter Schuster, and Peter F. Stadler.
Sequence redundancy in biopolymers. A study on RNA and protein structures.
In: Gerald Myers, ed.
Viral Regulatory Structures.
SFI Studies in the Scienceses of Complexity. Advances in HIV and HPV virus research, Vol. XXVIII: 163-186, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1998.
Peter F. Stadler.
Gneric Properities of the sequence-Structure Relations of Biopolymers.
In: "Exobiology: Matter, Energy, and Information in the Origin of Life in the Universe".
J. Chela-Flores and F. Raulin (eds).
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998

Peter F. Stadler, and Günther P. Wagner.
The algebraic theory of recombination spaces.
Evol. Comp., 5: 241-275, 1998.
Paul E. Phillipson, and Peter Schuster.
Analytics of bifurcation.
Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 8, No. 3: 471-482, 1998.
Josef Leydold, and Peter F. Stadler.
Minimal cycle bases of outerplanar graphs.
Elec. J. Comb., 5: R16, 1998.
Wim Hordijk, and Peter F. Stadler.
Amplitude spectra of fitness landscapes.
J. Complex Systems, 1: 39-66, 1998.
Christian W. Mandl, Heidemarie Holzmann, Tamara Meixner, Susanne Rauscher, Peter F. Stadler, Steven L. Allison, and Franz X. Heinz.
Spontaneous and engineered deletions in the 3'-noncoding region of tick-borne encephalitis virus: Construction of highly attenuated mutants of flavivirus.
J. Virology 72: 2132-2140, 1998.
John H. Miller, and Peter F. Stadler.
The dynamics of locally adaptive parties under spatial voting.
J. Economic Dynamics and Control, 23: 171-189, 1998.
Robert Happel, and Peter F. Stadler.
The Evolution of Diversity in Replicator Networks.
J. theor. Biol., 195: 329-338, 1998.
Peter R. Wills, Stuart A. Kaufmann, Bärbel M. R. Stadler, and Peter F. Stadler.
Selection Dynamics in Autocatalytic Systems: Templates Replicating Trough Binary Ligation.
Bull. Math. Biol., 60: 1073-1098, 1998.
Walter Fontana, and Peter Schuster.
Continuity in evolution. On the nature of transitions.
Science, 280: 1451-1455, 1998.
Walter Fontana, and Peter Schuster.
Shaping space. The possible and the attainable in RNA genotype-phenotype mapping.
J. Theor. Biol., 194: 491-515,1998.
Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter Schuster, and Peter F. Stadler.
Combinatorics of RNA secondary structures.
Discr. Appl. Math., Vol. 88: 207-237, 1998.
Ivo L. Hofacker, Martin Fekete, Christoph Flamm, Martijn A. Huynen, Susanne Rauscher, Paul E. Stolorz, and Peter F. Stadler.
Automatic detection of conserved RNA structure elements in complete RNA virus genomes.
Nucl. Acids Res. 26: 2825-2836, 1998.
Christian Th. Klein.
Hysteresis-driven Structure Formation in Biochemical Networks.
J. theor. Biol. 000: 000-000, 1998.
Christian Th. Klein, Bernd Mayer, Gottfried Köhler, and Peter Wolschann.
Systematic Stepsize Variation: Efficient Method for Searching Conformational Space of Polypeptides.
J. Comp. Chem., Vol. 19: No. 13, 1470-1481, 1998.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Christian Th. Klein, H Pircher, and Peter Wolschann.
Struktur- und Wirkungsbeziehungen bei Riech- und Aromastoffen.
Lebensmittelchemie.,52, 146-149, 1998.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Helmut Spreitzer, Friederike Zechenmeister-Machart, Alexander Klinsky, Petra Weiß-Greiler, and Peter Wolschann.
Structure-oudour-relationships of sandalwood odrants. Synthesis and olfactoric of keto-b-santalol and methoxy-b-santalol.
European journal of medicinal Chemistry, 33: 463-470, 1998.
Gerhard Ecker, Wilhelm Fleischhacker, Christian Wolf, Petra Weiß-Greiler, and Peter Wolschann.
An quantum chemical study on levcromakalim.
Mh. Chem.,129: 633-642, 1998.
Walter Jäger, Bettina Zembsch, Peter Wolschann, Ernst Pittenauer, Adrian M. Senderowicz, and Edward A. Sausville, Hans H. Sedlacek, Jürg Graf, and Therese Thalhammer.
Metabolism of the anticancer drug flavopiridol. A new inhibitor of cyclin dependent kinases, in rat liver.
Life Sciences, 62, 20: 1861-1873, 1998.
Somsak Tonmunphean, Sirirat Kokpol, Vudhichai Parasuk, Peter Wolschann, Rudolf H. Winger, Klaus R. Liedl, and Bernd M. Rode.
Comparative molecular field analysis of artemisini derivates: Ab initio versus semiemprical optimized structures.
J. Comp. Aided Molec. Design, 12: 397-409, 1998.
Somsak Tonmunphean, Stephan Irle, Sirirat Kokpol, Vudhichai Parasuk, and Peter Wolschann.
Ab initio and density functional study on singlet and triplet states of artemisinin.
J. Molec. Structure, 454: 87-90, 1998.
Thomas Müller, Sotiris S. Xantheas, Holger Dachsel, Robert J. Harrison, Jaroslaw Nieplocha, Ron Shepard, Gary S. Kedziora, and Hans Lischka.
A systematic ab initio investigation of the open and ring strructures of ozone.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 293: 72-80, 1998.
Alfred Karpfen.
Ab initio studies on cyanoacetylene oligomers: Rings and chains versus stacked clusters.
J. Phys. Chem., A 102: 9286-9296, 1998.
Carlos Alemán, Victor M. Domingo, Liuís Fajrí, Luis Juliá, and Alfred Karpfen.
Molecular and electronic structures of heteroaromatic oligomers: Model compounds of polymers with quantum-well structures.
J. Org. Chem., 63: 1041-1048, 1998.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
On the nodal line conjecture.
Contemporary Math., 217: 33-48, 1998.
Peter Höchtl, Stefan Boresch, Wolfgang Bitomsky, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Rationalization of the Dielectric Properties of SPC, SPC/E and TIP3P in terms of their force field parameters.
J. Chem. Phys., 109: 4927-4937, 1998.
Ivo L. Hofacker.
RNA Secondary Structures: A Tractable Model of Biopolymer Folding..
In: P. Grassberger, G. Barkema, and W. Nadler (eds).
Monte Carlo Approach to Biopolymers and Protein Folding,World Scientific, pp. 171-182, Singapore, 1998.
Peter Schuster.
Origine de elaborazione delle informazioni biologiche.
In: Andrea Turchi (ed).
Frontiere della Vita. Volume Primo: All'origine della vita. Parte Primo: Origine ed evoluzione della vita.
Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. pages 313-331, Rome, Italy, 1998.

Rudolf Schamschule, Andreas B. J. Parusel, and Gottfried Köhler.
Dual Fluorescence: A theoretical study of electronic exications in (N, N)-bridged 4-aminobenzonitriles.
URL: http.//
Internet J. Chem 1, 5, 1998.
Gottfried Grabner, Karl Rechthaler, and Gottfried Köhler.
A two-state model for the photophysics of 9,9’-bianthryl. A fluorescence, transient absorption and semiempirical study.
J. Phys. Chem. A: 102: 689-696, 1998.
Bernd Mayer and Steen Rasmussen.
Dynamical hierarchies and self-reproduction in chemical systems.
In: C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano, and C. Taylor eds.
Artificial Life VI, pp. 123-129, MIT Press, 1998.


Peter Schuster.
The role of neutral mutations in the evolution of RNA molecules.
In: Sándor Suhai, ed.
Theoretical and Computational Methods in Genome Research, pp. 287-302. Plenum Press, New York, 1997.
Peter Schuster.
Landscapes and molecular evolution.
Physica D., 107: 351-365, 1997.
Peter Schuster.
Molecular evolutionary biology.
In: W. H. Moos, M. R. Pavia, B. K. Kay and A. D. Ellington, eds.
Annual Reports in Combinatorial Chemistry and Molecular Diversity. Vol.I: 153-168. ESCOM Science Publ. Leiden, NL. 1997.
Peter Schuster.
Genotypes with phenotypes: Adventures in an RNA toy world.
Biophys. Chem., 66: 75-110, 1997.
Peter Schuster.
Ziele der chemischen Forschung von heute und morgen: Ein Aufbruch in das nächste Jahrhundert.
In: Peter Markl ed.
Chemie in Österreich, Wurzeln und Entwicklung.
100 Jahre Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker, 1897-1997: pp.175-188, 1997.
Peter Schuster.
Chemie als Chance. Chemie im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zukunftshoffnung und gesellschaftlichen Ängsten.
Chemie, Heft 11: 12-13, 1997.
Peter Schuster, Peter F. Stadler, and Alexander Renner.
RNA Structures and folding. From conventional to new issues in structure predictions.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 7: 229-235, 1997.
Peter Schuster, Jaqueline Weber, Christian Reidys, and Walter Grüner.
Molecular evolutionary biology. From concepts to technology.
In: H. Flyvbjerg, J. Hertz, M. H. Jensen, O. G. Mouritsen and K. Sneppen, eds.
Physics of Biological Systems: From Molecules to Species, pp. 283-306. Springer, Berlin 1997.
Hans-Wolfgang Bellwinkel, and Peter Schuster.
Manfred Eigen. Ein Erbauer der Brücke vom Unbelebten zum Leben wird Siebzig.
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 50: 183-187, 1997.
Ulrike Göbel, Christian V. Forst, and Peter Schuster.
Structural Constraints and Neutrality in RNA.
In: Ralph Hofestädt, T. Lengauer, M. Löffler, and D. Schomburg, eds.
Bioinformatics. German Conference on Bioinformatics, GCB´96. Vol. 1278 Lecture Notes in Science, pp. 156-165, Berlin, 1997.
Stephan Kopp, Christian Reidys, and Peter Schuster.
Exploration of artificial landscapes based on random graphs.
In: Frank Schweitzer, ed.
Self-Organization of Complex Structures: From Individual to Collective Dynamics. Chapter 15: 179-185. Gordon & Breach, London, 1997.
Christian Reidys, Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Generic properties of combinatory maps. Neutral networks of RNA secondary structure.
Bull. Math. Biol., 59: 339-397, 1997.
Robert Hecht, Robert Happel, Peter Schuster, and Peter F. Stadler.
Autocatalytic networks with intermediates. I: Irreversible reactions.
Math. Biosciences., 140: 33-74, 1997.
Ricardo García-Pelayo, and Peter F. Stadler.
Correlation length, isotropy and meta-stable states.
Physica D., 107: 240-254 , 1997.
Jan Cupal, Christoph Flamm, Alexander Renner, and Peter F. Stadler.
Density of states, metastable states, and saddle points. Exploring the energy landscape of an RNA Molecule.
In: T. Gaasterland, P. Karp, K. Karplus, Ch. Ouzounis, Ch. Sander, A. Valencia, eds.
Proceedings of ISMB, 97: 88-91, AAAI Press, 1997.
Aderonke Babajide, Ivo L. Hofacker, Manfred J. Sippl, and Peter F. Stadler.
Neutral networks in protein space. A computational study based on knowledge-based potentials of mean force.
Folding & Design, 2: 261-269, 1997.
Susanne Rauscher, Christoph Flamm, Christian W. Mandl, Franz Xaver Heinz, and Peter F. Stadler.
Secondary structure of the 3'-non-coding region of flavivirus genomes comparative analysis of base pairing probabilities.
RNA, 3: 779-791, 1997.
Helmut Viernstein, Christian Stumpf, and Peter Wolschann.
Pharmaceutical and pharmacological properties of propanidid as cyclodextrin clathrat.
Pharmaceut. and Pharmacol. Letters, 7: 39-41, 1997.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Friederike Zechmeister-Machhart, Petra Weiß-Greiler, and Peter Wolschann.
Structure-activity relationships of sandalwood odorants: Synthesis and odour of methyl-ß-santalol.
Archiv der Pharmazie, 330: 112-114, 1997.
Birgit Bösel, Gerhard Buchbauer, Petra Weiß-Greiler, and Peter Wolschann.
Investigations of the conformational space in molecular similarity studies on sandalwood odour molecules. Conformational calculations on sandalwood odour XII.
Mh. Chem., 128: 609-618, 1997.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Alexander Hayn, Elisabeth Liedl, Petra Weiß-Greiler, and Peter Wolschann.
Conformational calculations on sandalwood odour XI. Molecular similarity of sandalwood odour compounds.
Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 12: 141-146, 1997.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Philippine Lebada, Lucia Wiesinger, Petra Weiß-Greiler, and Peter Wolschann.
On the odor of enantiomers of madrol.
Chirality, 9: 380-385, 1997.
Bernd Mayer, Giancarlo Marconi, Christian Th. Klein, Gottfried Köhler, and Peter Wolschann.
Structural analysis of host-guest systems. Methyl-substituted phenols in ß-cyclodextrin.
J. Incl. Phenomena, 29: 79-93, 1997.
Christian Th. Klein, and Bernd Mayer.
A Model for Pattern Formation in Gap-Junction Coupled Cells.
J. Theor. Biol., 186: 107-115, 1997.
Gottfried Grabner, Sandra Monti, Giancarlo Marconi, Bernd Mayer, Christian Th. Klein, and Gottfried Köhler.
Spectroscopic and photochemical study of inclusion complexes of dimethoxy-benzenes with beta-cyclodextrin.
J. Phys. Chem, 100, 51: 20068-20075, 1997.
Stephan Irle, and Hans Lischka.
Combined ab initio and density functional study on polaron to bipolaron transitions in oligophenyls and oligothiophenes.
J. Chem. Phys., 107: 3021, 1997.
Holger Dachsel, Hans Lischka, Ron Shepard, Jaroslaw Nieplocha, and Robert J. Harrison.
A massively parallel multireference configuration interaction program -the parallel COLUMBUS program.
J. Comp. Chem., 18: 430, 1997.
Werner Jakubetz, and Boon-Leong Lan.
A simulation of ultrafast state-selective IR-laser-controlled isomerization of hydrogen cyanide based on global 3D ab initio potential and dipole surfaces.
Chem. Phys., 217: 375-388, 1997.
Alfred Karpfen.
Case studies in cooperativity in hydrogen-bonded clusters and polymers.
In: S. Scheiner ed.
Molecular interactions - from van der Waals to strongly bound complexes, pp. 265-296. Wiley, Chichester, 1997.
Alfred Karpfen, Cheol-Ho Choi, and Miklos Kertesz.
Single bond torsional potentials in conjugated systems: A comparison of ab initio and density functional results.
J. Phys. Chem., A 101: 7426-7433, 1997.
Heike Lampert, Werner Mikenda, and Alfred Karpfen.
Molecular geometries and vibrational spectra of phenol, benzaldehyde and salicylaldehyde: Experimental versus quantum chemical data.
J. Phys. Chem., A 101: 2254-2263, 1997.
Heike Lampert, Werner Mikenda, Alfred Karpfen, and Hans-Peter Kählig.
NMR shieldings in benzoyl and 2-hydroxy-benzoyl compounds. Experimental versus GIAO calculated data.
J. Phys. Chem., A 101: 9610-9617, 1997.
Cheol-Ho Choi, Miklos Kertesz, and Alfred Karpfen.
Limitations of current density functional theories for the description of partial p-bond breaking.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 276: 266-268, 1997.
Cheol-Ho Choi, Miklos Kertesz, and Alfred Karpfen.
The effects of electron correlation on the degree of bond alternation and electronic structure of oligomers of polyacetylene.
J. Chem. Phys., 107: 6712-6721, 1997.
Cheol-Ho Choi, Miklos Kertesz, and Alfred Karpfen.
Do localized structures of [14] and [18] annulenes exist?
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 119: 11994-11995, 1997.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
On some properties of zero sets and critical sets of solutions to elliptic equations.
In: C. Greiner et al eds.
Partial differential equations and their applications.
Centre de Recherche Mathematiques Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 12: 167-177, 1997,
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
The nodal line of the second eigenfunction of the Laplacian in R2 can be closed.
Duke Math. J., 90: 631-640, 1997.
Othmar Steinhauser, Hellfried Schreiber, Gerald Löffler, and Wolfgang Kleinert.
Parallel biomolecular simulation: Theory, algorithms and implementation simulation.
Practice and Theory, 5: 573, 1997.
Stefan Boresch, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Presumed and real artifacts of the Ewald summation technique: The importance of dielectric boundary conditions.
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 101: 1019, 1997.
Gerald Löffler, Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Calculation of the dielectric properties of proteins in solution: Theory and a case study.
J. Mol. Bio., 270: 520, 1997.
Gerald Löffler, Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
The frequency-dependent conductivity of a saturated solution of ZnBr2 in water: A molecular dynamics simulation.
J. Chem. Phys., 107: 3135, 1997.
Susanne Lüdemann, Hellfried Schreiber, Roger Abseher, and Othmar Steinhauser.
The influence of a protein on water dynamics in its vicinity investigated by molecular dynamics simulation.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119: 4206, 1997.
Gottfried Köhler, Karl Rechthaler, Gottfried Grabner, Roman Luboratzki, Kinga Suwinska, and Krystyna Rotkiewicz.
The structure of cage amines: Models for twisted intramolecular charge transfer states.
J. Phys. Chem., A 101: 8518-8525, 1997.
Andreas B. J. Parusel, Friedrich W. Schneider, and Gottfried Köhler.
An ab initio study of the excited states of the organic fluorescence probe PRODAN.
J. Mol. Structure (THEOCHEM.), 398/399: 341-346, 1997.
Andreas B. J. Parusel, Rudolf Schamschule, and Gottfried Köhler.
A semiempirical study of the fluorescence properties of large charge transfer compounds: N,N-dimethylanilino-bis-pyrazolopyridine.
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 101, 12: 1836-1843, 1997.
Rudolf Schamschule , Andreas B. J. Parusel, and Gottfried Köhler.
Theoretical investigations of the ground-state properties of stereoselectively substituted aminobenzonitriles.
J. Mol. Structure (THEOCHEM.), 419: 161-167, 1997.
Karl Rechthaler, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, Gottfried Köhler, André Danel, Piotr Tomasik, and Karen Khatchatryan.
Emissive properties and intramolecular charge transfer of donor-acceptor pyrazoloquinoline derivatives.
J. Fluorescence, 7: 301-309, 1997.
Andreas B. J. Parusel, Rudolf Schamschule, Danuta Piorun, Karl Rechthaler, Agnieszkà Puchala, Danuta Rasala, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, and Gottfried Köhler.
Semiempirical characterization of substituted bis-pyrazolopyridines as new bulky electron donor-acceptor systems in their electronic ground state.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM.), 421: 63-75, 1997.
Christian Krach, Gerhard Sontag, Sonja Solar, and Nikola Getoff.
HPLC with coulometric electrode array detection. Determination of o- and m-tyrosine for identification of irradiated shrimps.
Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A., 204: 417-419, 1997.
Susanne Schmid, Paul Krajnik, Ruth M. Quint, and Sonja Solar.
Degradation of monochlorophenols by gamma-irradiation.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 50: 493-502, 1997.
Nikola Getoff.
CO2-utilization using ionizing radiation and UV-light. A review.
World Resource Review, 9: 86-100, 1997.
Nikola Getoff.
Peroxyl radicals in the treatment of waste solutions.
In:. z.B. Alfassi ed.
Peroxy Radicals, pp. 483-300. John Wiley & Sons, ltd. UK, 1997.
Nikola Getoff, Sonja Solar, and Ruth M. Quint.
One electron oxydation of mitomycin C and its corresponding peroxyl radicals. A steady-state and pulse radiolysis study.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 50: 575-583, 1997.
Pierre Boule, Claire Richard, K. David-Oudjehani, and Gottfried Grabner.
Photochemical behaviour of halophenols in aqueous solution.
Proc. Indian. Acad. Sci. Chem. Sci., 109: 509-519, 1997.
Frank Scavarda, Florent Bonnichon, Claire Richard, and Gottfried Grabner.
Photoisomerization of 4-hydroxybenzonitrile into 4-hydroxybenzoisonitrile.
New J. Chem., 21: 1119-1128, 1997.
Bernd Mayer , Gottfried Köhler, and Steen Rasmussen.
The lattice molecular automation. A tool for computational nanotechnology.
In: IBC ed.
Proceedings of the Conference of Biological Approaches and Novel Applications for Molecular Nanotechnology.
IBC Library Series, 1997.
Bernd Mayer , Gottfried Köhler, and Steen Rasmussen.
Simulation and dynamics of entropy driven, molecular self-assembly processes.
Phys. Rev. E., 55/4: 4489-4499, 1997.
Giancarlo Marconi, and Bernd Mayer.
Conformational and circular dichroism studies on cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.
J. of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69: 779-783, 1997.
Steen Rasmussen, Kai Nagel, Christopher L. Barett, Bernd Mayer, M. Winniberg Olesen, and Nils A. Baas.
Cellular automata applications.
In: The future of science has begun. Artificial life and artificial intelligence.
Fondazione Carlo Erba, Milano, 1997.


Peter Schuster.
Evolutionary biotechnology. Theory, facts and perspectives.
Acta Biotechnologica, 16: 3-17, 1996.
Peter Schuster.
Evolutive Biotechnologie. Neue Synthesen von Biopolymeren nach dem Vorbild der Natur.
Chemie, Heft 3: 13-15, 1996.
Peter Schuster.
Wissenschaft heute - Technik von morgen: Zukunftsbewältigung durch Überwindung interdisziplinärer Schranken.
In: H. Pfusterschmid-Hardtenstein, ed.
Das Ganze und seine Teile.
Europäisches Forum Alpbach 1995, 26-40, Ibera Verlag, Wien, 1996.
Peter Schuster.
How does complexity arise in evolution?
Complexity, 2(1): 22-30, 1996.
Peter Schuster and Walter Grüner.
Molecular evolutionary biology. The concept and its applications to biotechnology.
In: Tormod Riste and David Sherrington, eds.
Physics of biomaterial: Fluctuations, selfassembly and evolution.
NATO ASI Series E: Vol. 322, Applied Sciences: 263-285, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, 1996.
Torbjörn Fagerström, Peter Jagers, Peter Schuster, and Eörs Szathmary.
Biologists put on mathematical glasses.
Science, 274: 2039-2040, 1996.
Peter F. Stadler.
Landscapes and their correlation functions.
J. Math. Chem., 20: 1-45, 1996.
Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Permanence of sparse autocatalytic networks.
Math. Biosciences, 131: 111-134, 1996.
Peter F. Stadler and Bärbel Krakhofer.
Local minima of p-spin models.
Rev. Mex. Fis., 42: 355-363, 1996.
Subbiah Baskaran, Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Approximate scaling properties of RNA free energy landscapes.
J. Theor.Biol., 181: 299-310, 1996.
Manfred Tacker, Peter F. Stadler, Erich G. Bornberg-Bauer, Ivo l. Hofacker, and Peter Schuster.
Algorithm independent properties of RNA secondary structure predictions.
Eur. Biophys. J., 25: 115-130, 1996.
Bärbel Krakhofer, and Peter F. Stadler.
Local minima in the graph bipartitioning problem.
Europhys. Lett., 34: 85-90, 1996.
Christian Reidys, and Peter F. Stadler.
Bio-molecular shapes and algebraic structures.
Computers Chem., 20: 85-94, 1996.
Robert Happel, and Peter F. Stadler.
Canonical approximation of fitness landscapes.
Complexity, 2: 53-58, 1996.
Robert Happel, Robert Hecht, and Peter F. Stadler.
Autocatalytic networks with translation.
Bull. Math. Biol., 58: 877-905, 1996.
Martijn A. Huynen, Peter Stadler, and Walter Fontana.
Smoothness within ruggedness: The role of neutrality in adaptation.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 93: 397-401, 1996.
Martijn A. Huynen, Alan S. Perelson, Wayne A. Vieira, and Peter F. Stadler.
Base pairing probabilities in a complete HIV-1 RNA.
J. Comp. Biol., 3: 253-274, 1996.
Andreas Schwienhorst, Andreas Schober, Rolf Guenther, and Peter F. Stadler.
Biodiversity, 1: 187-192, 1996.
Ivo L. Hofacker, Martijn A. Huynen, Peter F. Stadler, and Paul E. Stolorz.
Knowledge discovery in RNA sequence families of HIV using scalable computers.
In: Evangelos Simoudis, Jiawei Han, and Usama Fayyad eds.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discoveryand Data Mining, Portland, OR, pp. 20-25. AAAI Press, Menlo Park CA, 1996.
Jan Cupal, Ivo L. Hofacker, and Peter F. Stadler.
Dynamic programming algorithm for the density of states of RNA secondary structures.
In: R. Hofstädt, T. Lengauer, M. Löffler, D. Schomburg, eds.
Computer Science and Biology 96. Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics, pp. 184-186, Universität Leipzig, Germany, 1996.
Walter Grüner, Robert Giegerich, Dirk Strohthmann, Christian Reidys, Jaqueline Weber, Ivo l. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Analysis of RNA sequence structure maps by exhaustive enumeration. I. Neutral networks.
Mh. Chemie, 127: 355-374, 1996.
Walter Grüner, Robert Giegerich, Dirk Strohthmann, Christian Reidys, Jaqueline Weber, Ivo l. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Analysis of RNA sequence structure maps by exhaustive enumeration. II. Structures of neutral networks and shape space covering.
Mh. Chemie, 127: 375-389, 1996.
Walter Fontana, and Leo W. Buss.
The barrier of objects: From dynamical systems to bounded organizations.
In: J. Casti and A. Karlqvist eds.
Boundaries and Barriers, pp.: 56-116, Addison-Wesley, 1996.
Walter Fontana, and Leo W. Buss.
"On organization".
In: "The future of science has begun: Approaches to artificial life and artificial intelligence".
Fondazione Carlo Erba, 4: 23-40, 1996.
Aleksander Koll, and Peter Wolschann.
Mannich bases as model compounds for intramolecular hydrogen bonding. I. Solid state structures and molecular calculations.
Monatsh. Chem., 127: 475-486, 1996.
Helmut Viernstein, and Peter Wolschann.
Complexation of diclobutrazol with cyclodextrins.
Scientia Pharmaceutica, 64: 687-694, 1996.
Christian Wolf, Petra Weiß-Greiler, Peter Wolschann, Gerhard Ecker, and Wilhelm Fleischhacker.
Synthesis and conformational analysis of a series of 1-benzopyrano[3,4-b][1,4]oxazines structurally related to cromakalim.
Pharmazie, 51: 836-839, 1996.
Gottfried Köhler, Helmut Vierstein, and Peter Wolschann.
Molecular calculations and thermodynamical considerations on the solubility enhancement of triflumizole by cyclodextrin complexation.
J. Incl. Phenomena, 25: 237-241, 1996.
Helmut Viernstein, Gottfried Köhler, and Peter Wolschann.
Influence of the ring shape of different cyclodextrins on complexation properties.
J. Incl. Phenomena, 25: 129-132, 1996.
Christian Th. Klein, Bernd Mayer, Gottfried Köhler, and Peter Wolschann.
Influence of solvation on the helix formation of poly-alanine studied by multiple annealing simulations.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM.), 370: 33-43, 1996.
Gottfried Köhler, Gottfried Grabner, Christian Th. Klein, Giancarlo Marconi, Bernd Mayer, Sandra Monti, Karl Rechthaler, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, Helmut Viernstein, and Peter Wolschann.
Structure and spectroscopic properties of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.
J. Incl. Phen. Mol. Recogn. Chem., 25, 1-3: 103-108, 1996.
Gottfried Köhler, Gottfried Grabner, Christian Th. Klein, Giancarlo Marconi, Bernd Mayer, Sandra Monti, Karl Rechtaler, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, Helmut Viernstein, and Peter Wolschann.
Structure and spectroscopic properties of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.
In:J. Szeijtli and L. Szente eds.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Cyclodextrins, pp.: 215-220. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
Giancarlo Marconi, Bernd Mayer, Christian Th. Klein, and Gottfried Köhler.
The structure of higher order C60-fullerene-gamma-cyclodextrin inclusion.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 260: 589-594, 1996.
Gottfried Grabner, Sandra Monti, Giancarlo Marconi, Bernd Mayer, Christian Th. Klein, and Gottfried Köhler.
Spectroscopic and Photochemical Study of Inclusion DComplexes of Dimethoxy-benzenes with cyclodextrins.
J. Phys. Chem., Vol100, No. 51: 20068-20075, 1996.
Stephan Irle, and Hans Lischka.
An ab initio study of the vibrational spectra of Li doped thiophene, bithiophene, benzene and biphenyl as model systems for (bi)polaronic defects.
J. Mol. Struct.(THEOCHEM.), 36: 415, 1996.
Stephan Irle, Hans Lischka, Karin Eichkorn, and Reinhart Ahlrichs.
Lithium- and chlorine-doped biphenyl dimers as models for interchain polarons and bipolarons - a density functional study .
Chem. Phys. Lett., 25: 7592, 1996.
Vudhichai Parasuk, Pavel Neogrady, Hans Lischka, and Miroslav Urban.
A comparison of variational and coupled cluster calculations of molecularproperties:The polarizabilities of BeO, 1Sigma(g+), and C2, 1Sigma(g+),3Pi(u), and 3Sigma(g-).
J. Phys. Chem., 100: 6325, 1996.
Werner Jakubetz, Boon-Leong Lan, and Vudhichai Parasuk.
Laser-induced ultrafast complete state-selective isomerization of hydrogen cyanide.
In: M. Chergui, ed.
Femtochemistry. Ultrafast chemical and physical processes in molecular systems, pp.: 86-89. World Scientific Publ., Singapore, 1996.
Alfred Karpfen.
Linear and cyclic clusters of hydrogen cyanide and cyanoacetylene: A comparative ab initio and density functional study on cooperative hydrogen bonding.
J. Phys. Chem., 100: 13474-13486, 1996.
Heike Lampert, Werner Mikenda, and Alfred Karpfen.
Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 2-hydroxybenzoyl compounds: infrared spectra and quantum chemical calculations.
J. Phys. Chem., 100: 7418-7425, 1996.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
Critical sets of smooth solutions to elliptic equations in dimension 3.
Indiana Univ. Math. J., 45: 15-37, 1996.
RogerAbseher, Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
The influence of a protein on water dynamics in its vicinity investigated by molecular dynamics simulation.
Proteins, 25: 366-378, 1996.
Susanne Lüdemann, Hellfried Schreiber, Roger Abseher, and Othmar Steinhauser.
The influence of temperature on pairwise hydrophobic interactions of methane-like particles: A molecular dynamics study.
J. Chem. Phys., 104: 286, 1996.
Gerald Löffler, Thomas Mager, Christoph Gerner, Hellfried Schreiber, Helmut Bertagnolli, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Static and dynamic structural analysis of a saturated solution of ZnBr2 in water: Anomalous X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamics simulations.
J. Chem. Phys., 104: 1, 1996.
Gottfried Köhler, Karl Rechthaler, Krystyna Rotkiewicz, and Wolfgang Rettig.
Formation and stabilization of twisted intramolecular charge transfer states in binary mixed solvents.
Chem. Phys., 207: 85-101, 1996.
Karl Rechthaler, and Gottfried Köhler.
Photophysical properties of a highly fluorescent push-pull-stilbene.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 250: 152-158, 1996.
Krystina Rotkiewicz, Karl Rechthaler, Agnieszka Puchala, Danuta Rasala, Stanislav Styrcz, and Gottfried Köhler.
Dual fluorescence and intramolecular charge transfer in a bulky electron donor-acceptor system. N,N-dimethylanilino substituted bis-pyrazolopyridine.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. 98 A: 15-19, 1996.
Ruth M. Quint, Hyong R. Park, Paul Krajnik, Sonja Solar, Nikola Getoff, and Knut Sehested.
Radiolysis and pulse radiolysis of aqueous 4-chloroanisole.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 47: 835-845, 1996.
Nikola Getoff.
Radiation-induced degradation of water pollutants-state of the art.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 47: 581-593, 1996.
Esther Schweinzer, Yulu Mao, Paul Krajnik, Nikola Getoff, and Hans Goldenberg.
Reduction of extracellular dehydroascorbic acid by K 562 cells.
Cell. Biochemistry and Function, 14: 27-31, 1996.
Bernd Mayer, and Gottfried Köhler.
Symmetry properties of cyclodextrins and its inclusion complexes. A case study.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM.), 363: 217-227, 1996.
Bernd Mayer, and Steen Rasmussen.
The lattice molecular automation. A physico-chemical simulation system for constructive molecular dynamics.
Int. Journ. Mod. Physics C, 9: 157-178, 1996.


Peter Schuster.
Minimal properties for evolutionary optimization.
In: John L. Casti and Andreas Karlqvist, eds.
Cooperation and conflict in general evolutionary processes.
pp. 359-382, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1995. a

Peter Schuster.
How to search for RNA structures. Theoretical concepts in evolutionary biotechnology.
J. Biotechnol., 41: 239-257, 1995.
Peter Schuster.
Biotechnische Anwendungen der molekularen Evolutionsbiologie.
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, 71, No. 293: 59-63, 1995.
Peter Schuster.
Neue Wege zu maßgeschneiderten Biomolekülen.
In: Moleküle nach Maß in der modernen Biotechnologie, pp. 10-17.
Projektträger Biologie, Energie, Ökologie des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (Hrsg.). Druckhaus Schöneweide GmbH, Berlin, 1995.
Peter Schuster.
Artificial life and molecular evolutionary biology.
In: Federico Moran, Alvaro Moreno, Juan J. Merelo, and Pablo Chacon, eds.
Advances in artificial life.
Proceedings of Third European Conference on Artificial Life, Canada 1995. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 929: 3-19.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995.

Peter Schuster, Pauline Hogeweg, Alexander von Gabain, and Esteban Domingo.
Molecular evolution and biotechnology.
Contract Study No. PSS 0884. European Commission, DG XII, Brussels, 1995.
Paul E. Philipson, and Peter Schuster.
Map dynamics of reproduction.
Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 5: 381-396, 1995.
Thomas Wiehe, Ellen Baake, and Peter Schuster.
Error propagation in reproduction of diploid organisms. A case study in single peaked landscapes.
J. Theor. Biol., 177: 1-15, 1995.
Christof K. Biebricher, Grégoire Nicolis, and Peter Schuster.
Self-organization in the physico-chemical and life sciences.
Contract Study No. PSS 0396, Report EUR 16546. European Commission, DG XII, Brussels, 1995.
Peter F. Stadler, Wolfgang Schnabl, Christian Forst, and Peter Schuster.
Dynamics of small autocatalytic reaction networks. II. Replication, mutation and catalysis.
Bull. Math. Biol., 57: 21-61, 1995.
Peter F. Stadler.
Random walks and orthogonal functions associated with highly symmetric graphs.
Discr. Math., 145: 229-238, 1995.
Peter F. Stadler.
Towards a theory of landscapes.
In: R. Lopéz-Peña, R. Capovilla, R. García-Pelayo, H. Waelbroeck, and F. Zertuche, eds.
Complex systems and binary networks .
Proceeding of the Guanajuato Lectures, 1995, pp. 77-163, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1995.
Peter F. Stadler.
RNA: Genotype and phenotype.
In: J. Chela-Flores, M. Chadha, A. Negron-Mendoza, T. Oshima, eds.
Chemical evolution: Self-organization of the macromolecules of life.
Proceedings of the Second Trieste Conference on Chemical Evolution, 25.-29. October 1993, pp. 159-176, Deepak 1995.
Catherine A. Macken, and Peter F. Stadler.
Evolution on fitness landscapes.
In: L. Nadel and D. L.Stein, eds.
1993 Lectures in complex systems.
Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity. Vol. VI: 43-86.
Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1995.

Manfred Tacker, and Peter F. Stadler.
RNA: Genotype and phenotype.
In: L. Nadel and D. L.Stein, eds.
1993 Lectures in complex systems.
Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity.Vol. VI: 579-589, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1995.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Philippine Lebada, Helmut Spreitzer, and PeterWolschann.
Structure-odor relationships of sandalwood odorants: Synthesis of (Z)-7-oxa-ß-santalol.
Liebigs Annalen, pp. 1693-1696, 1995.
Christian Th. Klein, and Friedrich F. Seelig.
Turing structures in a system with regulated gap-junctions.
Biosystems, 35: 15-23, 1995.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Helmut Spreitzer, Barbara Öckher, Claudia Pretterklieber, Iris Piringer, and Peter Wolschann.
Synthese und Geruch von (Z)-Dehydro-homo-ß-Santalol.
Monatsh. Chem., 126: 467-472, 1995.
Robert J. Gdanitz, and Robert Röhse.
A Formulation of Multiple-Reference CI with Terms Linear in the Interelectronic Distances II. An Alternative Ansatz.
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 55, 147-150, 1995.
Hans Lischka, Holger Dachsel, Ron Shepard and Robert Harrison.
The parallelization of a general ab initio multireference configuration interaction program-the COLUMBUS program system.
In: Timothy G. Mattson, ed.
ACS Symposium Series 592, Parallel Computing in Computational Chemistry, "American Chemical Society", Washington, DC, 1995.
Martina Bittererova, Hans Lischka, and Stanislav Biskupic.
Ab initio calculation of stationary points for the ground and the first excited state of HCO.
Intern. J. Quant. Chem., 55: 261-268, 1995.
Stephan Irle, and Hans Lischka.
An ab initio investigation of the charge-transfer complexes of alkali atoms with oligo(a,a')thiophenes and oligoparaphenylenes - a model calculation on polaronic and bipolaronic defect structures.
J. Chem. Phys., 103: 1508-1522, 1995.
Ivan Cernusak, and Hans Lischka.
Isomerization of cyanoborane anion.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 241: 261-266, 1995.
Holger Dachsel, and Hans Lischka.
An efficient data compression method for the davidson subspace diagonalizationscheme.
Theor. Chim. Acta, 92: 339-349, 1995.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, and Alfred Karpfen.
Theoretical investigations on positive bipolaronic defects in oligothiophenes:Structures and vibrational spectra of doubly charged 2,2'-bithiophene and 2,2':5',2'-terthiophene.
Vib. Spectrosc., 8: 293-303, 1995.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, and Alfred Karpfen.
Trends in the C-C force constants in oligothiophenes: A quantum chemical study.
J. Mol. Struct., 349: 417-420, 1995.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, and Alfred Karpfen.
Theoretical vibrational spectra of a bipolaronic defect in oligothiophenes andin poly-thiophene: A combined semiempirical and ab initio study.
J. Phys. Chem., 99: 5341-5353, 1995.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, and Alfred Karpfen.
Shorter bipolarons in oligo-(p-phenyls) and in poly-(p-phenylene): An ab initio SCF study.
J. Phys. Chem., 99: 10196-10200, 1995.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
Interior estimates for solutions of Schrödinger equations and the regularity of nodal sets.
Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, 20: 1241-1273, 1995.
Othmar Steinhauser.
Biomolecular simulation.
In: F. Breitenecker and I. Husinsky, eds.
Eurosim, 95: 1, 1995.
Roger Abseher, Susanne Lüdemann, Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
NMR cross-relaxation investigated by molecular dynamics simulation: A case study of ubiquitin in solution.
J. Mol. Biol., 249: 604, 1995.
Gottfried Köhler, Helga Martinek, Waraporn Parasuk, Karl Rechthaler, and Peter Wolschann.
The influence of cyclodextrin complexation on proton transfer in piperidino-methyl-2-naphthol
Monatsh. Chem., 126: 299-301, 1995.
Bernd Mayer, Christian Klein, Gottfried Köhler, Karin Mraz, Sybille Reiter, Helmut Viernstein, and Peter Wolschann.
Solubility and molecular modeling of triflumizole beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.
J. of Incl. Phen. Mol. Recogn. Chem., 22: 15-32, 1995.
Giancarlo Marconi, Sandra Monti, Bernd Mayer, and Gottfried Köhler.
Circular dichroism of methylated phenols included in ß-cyclodextrin: an experimental and theoretical study.
J. Phys. Chem., 99: 3943, 1995.
Galina Moger, Gottfried Köhler, and Nikola Getoff.
Enhanced photochemical degradation of the haematoporphyrin dication by red light irradiation in a lipid-like environment.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology, 99: 1, 1995.
Sonja Solar, Nikola Getoff, Jerzy Holcman, and Knut Sehested.
Radical anions of chlorinated benzaldehydes in aqueous solution.
J. Phys. Chem., 99: 9425-9429, 1995.
Matthias W. Haenel, Udo-Burckhard Richter, Sonja Solar, and Nikola Getoff.
Radiation-induced C-C bond cleavage in 1,2-diarylethanes as model compounds of coal.
Part 3. Pulse and steady-state radiolysis of 1,2-di(9-anthryl)ethane in organic solvents.
Z. Naturforsch., 50b: 303-311, 1995.
Irmgard Bernwieser, Gerhard Sontag, Sonja Solar, Ruth M. Quint, Paul Krajnik, and Nikola Getoff.
Nachweis der Bestrahlung von Hühnerfleisch durch Bestimmung von o- und m-Tyrosin mit HPLC und Elektroden Array Detektor.
Ernährung/Nutrion, 19: 159-162, 1995.
Paul Krajnik, Ruth M. Quint, Sonja Solar, Nikola Getoff, and Gerhard Sontag.
Influence of temperature and oxygen concentration on the radiation induced oxidation of phenylalanine.
Z. Naturforsch., 50a: 864-870, 1995.
Nikola Getoff.
Generation of O by microwave discharge and some characteristic reactions: A short review.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 45: 609-614, 1995.
Nikola Getoff, and Sonja Solar.
Radiation-induced formation of haematoporphyrintransients in aqueous solution. A pulse radiolysis study.
Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 67: 619-626, 1995.
Tsvetan G. Gantchev, Gottfried Grabner, Elka Keskinova, Dimitri Angelov, and Johan E. van Lier.
Hematoporphyrin-sensitized degradation of desoxyribose and DNA in high intensity near-U.V. picosecond pulsed laser photolysis.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 45: 111-119, 1995.


Peter Schuster.
How do RNA molecules and viruses explore their world?
In: George A. Cowan, David Pines, and David Meltzer, eds.
Complexity: Metamorphs, models and reality.
Santa Fe Institut Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Vol. XIX: 383-418,Addison-Wesley, Reading, M., 1994.

Peter Schuster.
Extended molecular evolutionary biology: Artificial life bridging the gap between chemistry and biology.
Artificial life, 1: 39-60, 1994.
Peter Schuster.
Extended molecular evolutionary biology: Artificial life bridging the gap between chemistry and biology.
In: Steffen Schulze-Kremer, ed.
Advances in Molecular Bioinformatics, pp. 223-246, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1994.
Peter Schuster.
Molekulare Evolution an der Schwelle zwischen Chemie und Biologie.
In: Wolfgang Wieser ed.
Die Evolution der Evolutionstheorie, pp. 49-76.
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1994.

Peter Schuster.
Moleküle nach Maß. Biotechnische Anwendungen der molekularen Evolutionsbiologie.
Chemie heute. Vol. 1994/95: 54-59, 1994.
Peter Schuster.
Sequenz, Struktur und Funktion von Biopolymeren.
In: Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen.
Beiträge anläßlich des 10. EDV-Benützertreffens der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Göttingen, November 1993. Vol. I/94, pp. 13-28, München, 1994.
Peter Schuster, and Peter F. Stadler.
Landscapes: Complex optimization problems and biopolymerstructures.
Computers and Chemistry, 18: 295-324, 1994.
Peter Schuster, Walter Fontana, Peter F. Stadler, and Ivo. L. Hofacker.
From sequences to shapes and back: A case study in RNA secondary structures.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B., 255: 279-284, 1994.
Paul E. Phillipson, and Peter Schuster.
Map dynamics of autocatalytic networks and the replicator equations.
J. Math. Biol., 32: 545-562, 1994.
David Noever, Subbiah Baskaran, and Peter Schuster.
Understanding genetic algorithm dynamics using harvesting strategies.
Physica D., 79: 132-145, 1994.
Peter F. Stadler, Peter Schuster, and Alan S. Perelson.
Immune networks modeled by replicator equations.
J. Math. Biol., 33: 111-137, 1994.
Peter F. Stadler.
Linear operators on correlated landscapes.
J. Phys. I France, 4: 681-696, 1994.
Peter F. Stadler, and Juan Carlos Nuno.
The influence of mutation on autocatalytic reaction networks.
Math. Biosci., 122: 127-160, 1994.
Erich G. Bornberg-Bauer, and Peter F. Stadler.
Random structures and evolution of biopolymers.
Ber. Bunsenges., 98: 1128, 1994.
Walter Fontana.
Molekulare Semantik - Evolution zwischen Variation und Konstruktion.
In: V. Braitenberg and I. Hosp eds.
Evolution: Entwicklung und Organisation in der Natur.
rororo-science, 1 9706 5: 69-106, 1994.
Manfred Tacker, Walter Fontana, Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Statistics of RNA melting kinetics.
Eur. Biophys. J., 23: 29-38, 1994.
Ivo L. Hofacker, Walter Fontana, Peter F. Stadler, Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Manfred Tacker, and Peter Schuster.
Fast folding and comparison of RNA secondary structures.
Mh. Chemie, 125: 167-188, 1994.
Gerhard Buchbauer, and Peter Wolschann.
Molecular Modeling an Riechstoffmolekülen.
Eurocosmetics, 4: 46-50, 1994.
Helmut Viernstein, Sybille Reiter, and Peter Wolschann.
Solubility enhancement of triflumizole by host-guest interaction with ß-cyclodextrin.
Monatsh. Chem,. 125: 681-689, 1994.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Andrea Neumann, Ursula Siebenheitl, Petra Weiß, and Peter Wolschann.
Structure-activity-relationship of some exo-isocamphanylcyclohexanols.Conformational calculations on sandalwood odour IX.
Monatsh. Chem., 125: 747-752, 1994.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Hermann Kalchhauser, Peter Wolschann, MohammedYahiaoui, and Driss Zakarya.
On the odour shift from bitter almond odour to cinnamic-floral notes.
Monatsh. Chem., 125: 1091-1099, 1994.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Alexander Hillisch, Karin Mraz, and Peter Wolschann.
Conformational parameters of the sandalwood. Odour activity. Conformational calculations on sandalwood odour XI.
Helv. Chim. Acta, 77: 2286-2296, 1994.
Hyong R. Park, Bernd Mayer, Peter Wolschann, and Gottfried Köhler.
Excited state proton transfer in 2-naphthol inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins.
J. Phys. Chem., 98: 6158-6166, 1994.
Werner Jakubetz, and Philip J. Kuntz.
The influence of barrier topography on the dynamics of the H + F2 reaction.
Chemical Physics, 179: 241-261, 1994.
Hans Lischka, Holger Dachsel, Ron Shepard, and Robert J. Harrison.
Parallel computing in quantum chemistry - message passing and beyond for a general ab initio program system.
In: W. Gentzsch and U. Harms, eds.
High-performance computing and networking.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol: 796: 203-209, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Tom Kovar, and Hans Lischka.
Structure and harmonic vibrational frequencies of cyclopentadiene in the lowest singlet states.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM.), 303: 71-82, 1994.
Martina Bittererova, Stanislav Biskupic, Hans Lischka, and Viliam Klimo.
Ab initio study of the potential curves for CO (X1Σ+), CH (X2Π) and OH (X2Π).
Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 59: 1241-1250, 1994.
Pedro C. Gomez, Phil R. Bunker, Alfred Karpfen, and Hans Lischka.
An ab initio calculation of the low frequency vibrational energies of the HCl dimer.
J. Mol. Spectrosc., 166: 441-448, 1994.
Alfred Karpfen, and Oleg Yanovitskii.
Structure and vibrational spectra of neutral, protonated and deprotonated hydrogen bonded polymers: An ab initio SCF study on chain-like hydrogen fluoride clusters.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM.), 307: 81-97, 1994.
Alfred Karpfen, and Oleg Yanovitskii.
Cooperativity in hydrogen bonded clusters: An improved ab initio SCF study on the structure and energetics of neutral, protonated and deprotonated chains and of neutral, cyclic hydrogen fluoride oligomers.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM.), 314: 211-227, 1994.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, and Alfred Karpfen.
Ab initio studies on (CH2)n-bridged bithiophenes. Part 1. Structure and vibrational spectra of cyclopentabithiophene and dihydrobenzobithiophene.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM.), 306: 123-137, 1994.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, and Alfred Karpfen.
Ab initio studies on (CH2)n-bridged bithiophenes.
Part 2. Structure and vibrational spectra of cycloheptabithiophene.
J. Mol. Struct., (THEOCHEM.), 306: 139-155, 1994.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, and Alfred Karpfen.
The spatial extension of a bipolaronic defect in oligothiophenes and in polythiophene: A combined semiempirical and ab initio study.
J. Phys. Chem., 98: 7492-7496, 1994.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Hans Stremnitzer.
Local properities of coulombic wave functions.
Commun. Math. Phys., 163: 185-215, 1994.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
Regularity of the nodal sets of solutions to Schrödinger equations.
In: M. Demuth et al ed.
Mathematical results in quantum mechanics. Int. Conf. in Blossin (Germany), May 1993.
Operator Theory: Advances and Application. Vol.70: 19-25. Birkhäuser, Basel, 1994.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Nikolai Nadirashvili.
Interior Hölder estimates for solutions of Schrödinger equations and the regularity of nodal sets.
Journées Equations aux derivées partielles. Saint Jean de Monts, 30. Mai au 3. Juin 1994. Vol. XIII: 1-9, 1994.
Groupement de Recherche CNRS, no. 1151, 1994.

Roger Abseher, Susanne Lüdemann, Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
The influence of molecular motion on the accuracy of NMR-derived distances.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 16: 4006, 1994.
Gerald Löffler, Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Computer simulation as a tool to analyze neutron scattering experiments: Water at supercritical temperatures.
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 98: 1575, 1994.
Gottfried Köhler, Snezhana Bakalova, Nikola Getoff, Peter Nikolov, and Ilijana Timtcheva.
Radiationless Deactivation of 5-Amino-2-arvlindan-1.3-diones via intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chem., 81: 73-77, 1994.
Karl Rechthaler, and Gottfried Köhler.
Excited state properties and deactivation pathways of 7-aminocoumarines.
Chem. Phys., 189: 99, 1994.
Christian Königstein, and Gottfried Köhler.
Origin of the high energy emission of the 1,1´-diethyl-2,2´-cyanine dye.
J. Phtotchem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 84: 245, 1994.
Yulu Mao, Gert Lubec, Nikola Getoff, Sonja Solar, and Ruth M. Quint.
The effect of homocystein thiolactone and its alpha -alkylated derivative on the survival of irradiated E. coli AB 1157.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 44: 473-478, 1994.
Nikola Getoff.
Purification of drinking water by irradiation. A review.
Indian. Acad. Sci. (Chem. Sci.), 195: 373-391, 1994.
Nikola Getoff.
Possibilities on the radiation induced incorporation of CO2 and CO in organic compounds.
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 19: 667-672, 1994.
Nikola Getoff.
Pulsradiolyse in der Strahlenbiologie.
Mitteilg. Österr. Ges. Mediz. Phys,. Nr. 3/94, pp. 10, 1994.
Nikola Getoff, Guo-Heng Li, Helmut Stockenhuber, and Konstantin Kochev.
Development of multilayer semiconductor electrodes based on silicon for H2-production.
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 19: 145-149, 1994.
Nikola Getoff, Alfred Ritter, Friedrich Schwörer, and Peter Bayer.
Steady-state and pulse radiolysis of triethylsilane in cyclohexane with product analysis.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 44: 491-498, 1994.
Faten S. M. Abd El-Hameed, Paul Krajnik, and Nikola Getoff.
Flash photolysis studies on 4-chloranisole in aqueous solution.
Z. Naturforsch., 49: 515-521, 1994.
Hak-Jin Jung, and Nikola Getoff.
Photoinduced oxidation of methanol in aqueous solutions.
Z. Naturforsch., 49a: 617-622, 1994.
Alexandra Delipetar, and Nikola Getoff.
Strahlenchemische und strahlenbiologische Untersuchungen an Menadion.
Mitteilg. Österr. Ges. Mediz. Phys., Nr. 3/94, pp. 11, 1994.
Zorana Radak-Jovanovic, and Nikola Getoff.
Strahlenchemische und strahlenbiologische Untersuchungen an cis-Platin.
Mitteilg. Österr. Ges. Mediz. Phys., Nr. 3/94, pp. 12, 1994.
Gert Lubec, and Nikola Getoff.
Savin animal lives by tests on bacteria.
Amino Acids, 7, 113-115, 1994.
Gottfried Grabner, Claire Richard, and Gottfried Köhler.
Formation and reactivity of 4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dienylidene in the photolysis of 4-chlorophenol in aqueous solution at ambient temperature.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116: 11470-11480, 1994.
Michael Neumann-Spallart, Claude Lévy-Clément, and Gottfried Grabner.
Fast annealing of II-VI compounds by pulsed laser irradiation.
J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys., 27: 407-413, 1994.


Peter Schuster.
RNA based evolutionary optimization.
Origins of Life, 23: 373-391, 1993.
Peter Schuster.
Evolution in an RNA world.
In: Cyril Ponnamperuma and Julian Chela-Flores, eds.
Chemical Evolution Series: I. Origin of Life, pp. 51-68. A. Deepak Publ. Hampton, VA 1993.
Peter Schuster.
Spiel und Spieltheorie in den Naturwissenschaften.
In: Ursula Baatz und Wolfgang Müller-Funk, eds.
Vom Ernst des Spiels.
Über Spiel und Spieltheorie, pp. 21-34. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
Peter F. Stadler, and Robert Happel.
The probability for permanence.
Math. Biosc., 113: 25-50, 1993.
Peter F. Stadler, and Walter Grüner.
Anisotropy in fitness landscapes.
J. Theor. Biol., 165: 373-388, 1993.
Peter F. Stadler, Walter Fontana, and John H. Miller.
Random catalitic reaction networks.
Physica D., 63: 378-392, 1993.
Edward D. Weinberger, and Peter F. Stadler.
Why some fitness landscapes are fractal.
J. Theor. Biol., 163: 255-275, 1993.
Sebastian Bonhoeffer, and Peter F. Stadler.
Error Thresholds on Correlated Fitness Landscapes.
J. Theor. Biol., 164: 359-372, 1993.
Sebastian Bonhoeffer, John S. McCaskill, Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
RNA Multi-structure landscapes. A study based on temperature dependent partition functions.
Eur. Biophys. J., 22: 13-24, 1993.
Walter Fontana, Danielle A. M. Konings, Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Statistics of RNA secondary structures.
Biopolymeres, 33: 1389-1404, 1993.
Walter Fontana, Peter F. Stadler, Erich G. Bornberg-Bauer, Thomas Griesmacher,Ivo L. Hofacker, Manfred Tacker, Pedro Tarazona, Edward D. Weinberger, and Peter Schuster.
RNA folding and combinatory landscapes.
Phys. Rev. E., 47: 2083-2099, 1993.
Andrea Neumann, Petra Weiß, and Peter Wolschann.
A comparison of molecular surfaces of sandalwood odour molecules. Conformational calculations on sandalwood odour. VIII.
J. Molec. Struct., 296: 145-152, 1993.
Hyong R. Park, Bernd Mayer, Karl Rechthaler, Peter Wolschann, and Gottfried Köhler.
Proton dissociation and transfer in cyclodextrin inclusion complexes of 2-naphthol derivatives.
Photochem Photobiol., 57S: 27, 1993.
Matthias Schüler, Tom Kovar, Hans Lischka, Ron Shepard, and Robert J.Harrison.
A parallel implementation of the COLUMBUS multireference. Configuration interaction program.
Theor. Chim. Acta, 84: 489-509, 1993.
Werner Jakubetz, Elmar Kades, and Jörn Manz.
State-selective excication of molecules by means of optional ultrashort infrared laser pulses.
J. Phys. Chem. 97: 12609-12619, 1993.
Jonathan N. L. Connor, and Werner Jakubetz.
Orientation dependence of the F+H2 and H+F2 reactions using the line-of-centres modelwith angle-dependent collision diameters and barrier heights.
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 89: 1481-1486, 1993.
Christoph Ehrendorfer, Alfred Karpfen, Peter Bäuerle, Helmut Neugebauer, and Adolf Neckel.
Vibrational spectra of endcapped thiophenes: A combined experimental and theoretical study.
J. Mol. Struct., 298: 65-86, 1993.
Othmar Steinhauser.
Computersimulation von Biomolekülen.
Pipeline, 10: 26, 1993.
Robert Gdanitz.
A formulation of multiple-reference CI with terms linear in the interelectronic distances.
Chem. Phys. Lett. 210: 1, 2, 3: 253-260, 1993
Gottfried Köhler, Gottfried Grabner, and Krystyna Rotkiewicz.
Nonradiative deactivation and triplet states in donor-aryl-acceptor compound (Dialkylaminobenzonitriles).
Chem. Phys., 173: 275-290, 1993.
Gottfried Köhler and Karl Rechthaler.
Solvent effects on excited state relaxation phenomena.
Pure & Appl. Chem., 65: 1647, 1993.
Pietro Bortolus, Gottfried Grabner, Gottfried Köhler, and Sandra Monti.
Photochemistry of cyclodextrin host-guest complexes.
Coord. Chem. Rev., 125: 261-268, 1993.
Julia Vágó, Laszlo Biczók, Gottfried Grabner, Gottfried Köhler, Ruth M. Quint,and Nikola Getoff.
On the photochemical decomposition of aromatic alpha-azohydroperoxides.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chemistry, 76: 69, 1993.
Sandra Monti, Gottfried Köhler, and Gottfried Grabner.
Photophysics and photochemistry of methylated phenols in ß-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.
J. Phys. Chem., 97: 13011-13016, 1993.
Sonja Solar, Nikola Getoff, Matthias W. Haenel, and Udo-Burckhard Richter.
Radiation-induced C-C bond cleavage in 1,2-diarylethanes as model compounds of coal. Part 2. Pulse and steady-state radiolysis of 1,2-di(pyren-1-yl)ethane in tetrahydrofuren, dimethoxyethane and toluene in the presence of sodium dihydridobis(2-methoxyethoxy)-aluminate.
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 89: 891-903, 1993.
Sonja Solar, Nikola Getoff, Knut Sehested, and Jerzy Holcman.
Pulse radiolysis of pyridine and methylpyridines in aqueous solution.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 41: 825-834, 1993.
Sonja Solar, Nikola Getoff, and Knut Sehested.
Radicals originating from aqueous chlorinated aromatic compounds.
Abstracts of the Third Internat. Conf. On Chem. Kinetics, p. 177. Gaithersburg, Md., July 1993.


Peter Schuster.
Complex optimization in an artificial RNA world.
In: Chris G. Langton, Charles Taylor, J. Doyne Farmer, and Steen Rasmussen, eds. Artificial life II.
Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity. Vol. X: 277-291. Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, (CA), 1992.
Peter Schuster.
Biological information. Its origin and processing.
In: Christoph Wassermann, Richard Kirby and Bernard Rordorf, eds.
The science and theology of information, pp. 45-57.
Editions Labor et Fides. Genf, Switzerland, 1992.

Peter F. Stadler, and Peter Schuster.
Mutation in autocatalytic reaction networks.
An analysis based on peturbation theory.
J. Math. Biol., 30: 597-632, 1992.
Hellfried Schreiber, Othmar Steinhauser, and Peter Schuster.
Parallel molecular dynamics of biomolecules.
Parallel Computing, 18: 557 - 573, 1992.
Peter F. Stadler.
The landscape of the travelling salesman problem.
Phys. Lett., 161: 337-344. pp.
Peter F. Stadler, and Robert Happel.
Correlation structure of the landscape of the graph-bipartitioning-problem.
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 25: 3103-3110, 1992.
Peter F. Stadler.
Correlation in landscapes of combinatorial optimization problems.
Europhys. Lett., 20: 479-482, 1992.
Armin Becker, Gerhard Buchbauer, Susanne Winiwarter, and Peter Wolschann.
A rapid method for molecular shape comparison of medium-sized molecules. conformational calculations on sandalwood odour IV.
Mh. Chem., 123: 405-416, 1992.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Susanne Winiwarter, and Peter Wolschann.
Surface comparisons of some odour molecules. Conformational calculations on sandalwood odour V.
J. Comp. Aid. Molec. Design., 6: 583-592, 1992.
Anton Beyer, Hermann Kalchhauser, and Peter Wolschann.
Molecular modeling on garuganin-I.
Mh. Chem., 123: 417-423, 1992.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Karin Leonhardsberger, Susanne Winiwarter, and Peter Wolschann.
Investigations on the molecular surface of selected sandalwood odour molecules and related structures. Conformational calculations on sandalwood odourants VI.
Helv. Chim. Acta, 75: 174-183, 1992.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Helmut Spreitzer, Helene Swatonek, and Peter Wolschann.
Absolute configuration and odour analysis of the enantiomeric tert.- butyl-bi- cyclo(4.4.0)decan-3-ols.
Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 3: 197-198, 1992.
Gottfried Köhler, Peter Wolschann, and Krystyna Rotkiewicz.
Solvent effects on intramolecular charge separation.
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Chem. Sci.), 104: 197-207, 1992.
Gerhard Buchbauer, Alexander Stock, Petra Weiß, Susanne Winiwarter, and Peter Wolschann.
Some aspects of the molecular surface of sandalwood odour molecules. Conformational calculations on sandalwood odour VII.
Zeitschr. f. Naturforsch., 47b: 1759-1763, 1992.
Ron Shepard, Hans Lischka, Peter G. Szalay, Tom Kovar, and Markus Ernzerhof.
A general multireference configuration interaction gradient program.
J. Chem. Phys., 96: 2085-2098, 1992.
Manfred Kofranek, Hans Lischka, and Alfred Karpfen.
From butadiene to polyacetylene: An ab initio study on the vibrational spectra of polyenes.
J. Chem. Phys., 96: 982-996, 1992.
Manfred Kofranek, Tom Kovar, Hans Lischka, and Alfred Karpfen.
Ab initio studies on heterocyclic conjugated polymers: Structure and vibrational spectra of thiophene, oligothiophenes and polythiophene.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), 259: 181-198, 1992
Werner Jakubetz, Dimitri Sokolovski, Jonathan N. L. Connor, and George C. Schatz.
Comparison of quasi-classical and quantum dynamics for resonance scattering in the Cl+HCl -> ClH+Cl reaction.
J. Chem. Phys., 97: 6451-6459, 1992.
Manfred Kofranek, Tom Kovar, Alfred Karpfen, and Hans Lischka.
Ab initio studies on heterocyclic conjugated polymers: Structure and vibrational spectra of pyrrole, oligopyrroles and polypyrrole.
J. Chem. Phys., 96: 4464-4473, 1992.
Per Jensen, Phil R. Bunker, Vidana C. Epa, and Alfred Karpfen.
An ab initio calculation of the fundamental and overtone HCl stretching vibrations for the HCl dimer.
J. Mol. Spectrosc., 151: 384-395, 1992.
Manfred Kofranek, Alfred Karpfen, and Hans Lischka.
Gauche- versus s-cis butadiene revisited: a molecular dynamics simulation of the Ar matrix effect.
m. Phys. Lett.189: 281-286, 1992.
Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Hans Stremnitzer.
Electronic wave functions near coalescence points.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 68: 3857-3860, 1992.
Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof.
Local properties of solutions of Schrödinger equations.
Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, 17: 491-552, 1992.
Stefan Boresch, Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Parallel molecular dynamics of liquids.
ACPC-Report, 1992.
Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Cut-off size does strongly influence molecular dynamics. Results on solvated polypeptides.
Biochemistry, 31: 5856, 1992.
Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Molecular dynamics studies of solvated polypeptides: Why the cut-off scheme does not work.
Chem. Phys., 168: 75, 1992.
Hellfried Schreiber, and Othmar Steinhauser.
Taming cut-off induced artifacts in molecular dynamics. Studies of solvated polypeptides: The reaction field method.
J. Mol. Bio., 228: 909, 1992.
Sonja Solar, and Ruth M. Quint.
Radiation induced primary processes of aqueous 8-methoxy-psoralen. A pulse radiolysis study.
Radiat. Phys. Chem. , 39: 171-175, 1992.
Nikola Getoff, Alfred Ritter, Friedrich Schwörer, and Peter Bayer.
Pulse radiolysis and product analysis of triethylsilane in methanol.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 39: 177-182, 1992.
Nikola Getoff.
Radiation processing of industrial waste: Liquid and solid.
IAEA-SM, 325/167: 49-50, Vienna, 1992.
Nikola Getoff.
Radiation-induced degradation of phenol and chlorinated phenols in water.
IAEA-SM, 326/167: 198-200, Vienna, 1992.
Nikola Getoff.
Pulse radiolysis of aromatic amino acids-state of the art.
Amino Acids, 2: 195-214, 1992.
Nikola Getoff, Guo-Heng Li, Helmut Stockenhuber, and Konstantin Kotchev.
Developments of multilayer semiconductor-electrodes on silicon basis for H2-production.
Hydrogen Energy Progess., Vol. IX: 537-544, Paris, France, 1992.
Hyong R. Park, and Nikola Getoff.
Radiolysis of aqueous ethanol in the presence of CO.
Z. Naturforsch., 47a: 985-991, 1992.
Ilijana Timtcheva, Nikola Getoff, Peter Nikolov, and Ruth M. Quint.
Photochemical properities of 2-aryl-3 imino-1-indones.
Z. Naturforsch., 47a: 1243-1247, 1992.
Pierre Boule, Annie Rossi, Jean-Francois Pilichowski, and Gottfried Grabner.
Photoreactivity if hydroquinone in aqueous solution.
New J. Chem., 16: 1053-1962, 1992.


Biological Information. Its Origin and Processing.
In: C.Wassermann, R.Kirby, and B.Rordorff, eds.
The Science and Theology of Information Publications de la Faculte de Theologie de l`Universite de Geneve, pp.45-57, 1990
Katastrophen, Chaos und Fraktale. Modeströmungen in der Wissenschaft oder Beginn eines Verstehens komplexer Systeme?
In: U.Niedersen, ed.
Selbstorganisation. Jahrbuch für Komplexität in den Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Duncker & Humblot, pp.203-219, Berlin 1990
Optimization of RNA Structure and Properties.
In: A.Perelson, and S.Kauffman, eds.
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P.Birner, H.-J.Köhler, A.Karpfen, and H.Lischka.
An Ab Initio Study of the Polysulfane Series H2S2 to H2S6 and of S8.
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A.Karpfen, and M.Kertesz.
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A.Karpfen, P.R.Bunker, and P.Jensen.
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P.Jensen, P.R.Bunker, and A.Karpfen.
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P.R.Bunker, P.Jensen, and A.Karpfen.
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P.R.Bunker, V.C.Epa, P.Jensen, and A.Karpfen.
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P.Jensen, M.D.Marshall, P.R.Bunker, and A.Karpfen.
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Computer Simulation of Chemical Elementary Processes and the Potential Surface Problem.
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I.J.Kurnig, H.Lischka, and A.Karpfen.
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P.G.Szalay, A.Karpfen, and H.Lischka.
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P.R.Bunker, P.Jensen, A.Karpfen, M.Kofranek, and H.Lischka.
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P.Jensen, P.R.Bunker, A.Karpfen, M.Kofranek, and H.Lischka.
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P.G.Szalay, A.G.Császár, G.Fogarasi, A.Karpfen, and H.Lischka.
An Ab Initio Study of the Structure and Vibrational Spectroscopy of Allyl and 1,4-Pentadienyl Radicals.
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M.Kofranek, A.Karpfen, and H.Lischka.
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A.Karpfen, I.J.Kurnig, S.-K.Rhee, and H.Lischka.
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T.Hoffmann-Ostenhof, and M.Hoffmann-Ostenhof.
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O.Steinhauser, S.Boresch, and H.Bertagnolli.
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A.Karpfen, I.J.Kurnig, and H.Lischka.
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