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4 #include <vector>
5 #include <string>
6 #include <memory>
7 #include <climits>
9 namespace sgm {
11  /*! @brief Interface of graphs for graph matching
12  *
13  * The class is used as an abstract interface to allow for a generic
14  * interface of the search algorithms in the library.
15  * It describes an undirected labeled graph.
16  *
17  * @author Martin Mann (c) 2008
18  */
20  public:
22  //! Type for global indicex of nodes in the graph.
23  typedef size_t IndexType;
25  class Edge_iterator;
26  class OutEdge_iterator;
28  //! Container that stores the global edge information, i.e. from, to,
29  //! and the label of the edge.
31  public:
32  //! Default Construction
35  //! Construction
36  //! @param from the source of the edge
37  //! @param to the target of the edge
41  //! Destruction
42  virtual
45  protected:
47  // define friends for direct data member access
48  friend class Edge_iterator;
49  // define friends for direct data member access
50  friend class OutEdge_iterator;
52  //! the source of the edge described
54  //! the target of the edge described
57  public:
58  //! Access to the source of the edge.
59  //! @return the global source node index
61  getFromIndex(void) const;
62  //! Access to the target of the edge.
63  //! @return the global target node index
65  getToIndex(void) const;
66  //! Access to the label of the edge.
67  //! @return the edge label
68  virtual
69  const std::string&
70  getEdgeLabel(void) const = 0;
71  //! Equality comparison
72  //! @param ed the edge to compare to
73  //! @return true if both descriptors describe the same edge
74  virtual
75  bool
76  operator==(const EdgeDescriptor& ed ) const;
77  //! Inequality comparison
78  //! @param ed the edge to compare to
79  //! @return true if both descriptors describe different edges
80  virtual
81  bool
82  operator!=(const EdgeDescriptor& ed ) const = 0;
84  //! Iterator support
85  //! @return the next EdgeDescriptor in the adjacency
86  virtual
88  operator++() = 0;
90  //! Create a heap copy of this object. NOTE: this has to be
91  //! removed by the calling function.
92  //! @return a new heap copy of this object
93  virtual
95  clone() const = 0;
96  };
98  /*!
99  * Generic constant iterator class to enumerate the outgoing edges
100  * for a given node. For each out edge an EdgeDescriptor instance is
101  * provided.
102  */
104  protected:
106  //! the data object to be used for iteration. Note: the object
107  //! can be also any subclass of EdgeDescriptor.
108  std::auto_ptr< EdgeDescriptor > data;
110  public:
112  //! Default construction
115  //! Construction from data
116  //! @param data the EdgeDescriptor data to use
119  //! Copy construction
120  //! @param toCopy the object to make this iterator a copy of
121  OutEdge_iterator( const OutEdge_iterator & toCopy );
123  //! Destruction
126  //! Assign to the given iterator
127  //! @param toCopy the object to make this iterator a copy of
130  //! Prefix increment (++I) to next element
133  //! Postfix increment (I++) to next element
136  //! access to the descriptive data of the current edge
137  //! @return the current edge data
138  const EdgeDescriptor& operator * () const;
140  //! access to the descriptive data of the current edge
141  //! @return the current edge data
142  const EdgeDescriptor* const operator -> () const;
144  //! Equality comparison
145  //! @return true if both iterators are pointing to the same edge
146  bool operator == ( const OutEdge_iterator & it ) const ;
148  //! Inequality comparison
149  //! @return true if both iterators are NOT pointing to the same edge
150  bool operator != ( const OutEdge_iterator & it ) const ;
152  };
155  /*!
156  * Generic constant iterator class to enumerate the edges between two
157  * nodes. It uses the OutEdge_iterator interface to perform the
158  * enumeration. For each edge an EdgeDescriptor is provided.
159  */
161  protected:
163  //! The OutEdge_iterator used to enumerate the edges
165  //! The OutEdge_iterator marking the end of the enumeration
167  //! The targeted index of the edges to be reported
168  const size_t toIndex;
170  public:
172  //! Default construction
173  Edge_iterator();
175  //! Construction from data
176  //! @param curEdge the begin of the outEdges to iterator
177  //! @param edgeEnd the end of the outEdges to iterator
178  //! @param toIndex the targeted index of the edges to be reported
180  , const OutEdge_iterator & edgeEnd
181  , const IndexType & toIndex );
183  //! Prefix increment (++I) to next element
186  //! Postfix increment (I++) to next element
189  //! access to the descriptive data of the current edge
190  //! @return the current edge data
191  const EdgeDescriptor& operator * () const;
193  //! access to the descriptive data of the current edge
194  //! @return the current edge data
195  const EdgeDescriptor* const operator -> () const;
197  //! Equality comparison
198  //! @return true if both iterators are pointing to the same edge
199  bool operator == ( const Edge_iterator & it ) const ;
201  //! Inequality comparison
202  //! @return true if both iterators are NOT pointing to the same edge
203  bool operator != ( const Edge_iterator & it ) const ;
205  };
207  //! Destruction
208  virtual
211  //! Access to the number of nodes of the graph
212  //! @return the overall node number
213  virtual
214  size_t
215  getNodeNumber(void) const = 0;
217  //! Access to iteration begin for the edge in the adjacency list of
218  //! a specified node
219  //! @param i the index of the node of interest
220  //! @return the iterator to the first edge within the adjacency of i
221  virtual
222  OutEdge_iterator
223  getOutEdgesBegin( const IndexType & i ) const = 0;
225  //! Access to iteration end for the edge in the adjacency list of
226  //! a specified node
227  //! @param i the index of the node of interest
228  //! @return the iterator the end of the adjacency iteration of i
229  virtual
230  OutEdge_iterator
231  getOutEdgesEnd( const IndexType & i ) const = 0;
233  //! Access to the label of a specified node
234  //! @param i the index of the node of interest
235  //! @return a string representation of the node label
236  virtual
237  std::string
238  getNodeLabel(const IndexType & i) const = 0;
240  //! Access to the label of a specified edge
241  //! @param i the index of the first end node of interest
242  //! @param j the index of the second end node of interest
243  //! @return the edge iterator pointing to the first edge between
244  //! node i and j or to getEdgesEnd(i,j) if no edge exists
245  virtual
246  Edge_iterator
247  getEdgesBegin(const IndexType & i, const IndexType & j) const;
249  //! Access to the label of a specified edge
250  //! @param i the index of the first end node of interest
251  //! @param j the index of the second end node of interest
252  //! @return the edge iterator pointing to the first edge between
253  //! node i and j or to getEdgesEnd(i,j) if no edge exists
254  virtual
255  Edge_iterator
256  getEdgesEnd(const IndexType & i, const IndexType & j) const;
258  //! Interface equality comparison : NOTE : this function checks
259  //! whether the interfaces of two graphs are identical or not, i.e.
260  //! nodes with same index are equal and the order of adjacent edges
261  //! is the same. This function performs NO GRAPH ISOMORPHISM !!!
262  //! Thus, slight changes in the node order etc. will result in a
263  //! non-equal interface!
264  //! @param toCompare the Graph_Interface to compare to
265  //! @return true if both graph interfaces are equal
266  virtual
267  bool
268  operator==(const Graph_Interface& toCompare ) const;
270  //! Interface inequality comparison : NOTE : this function checks
271  //! whether the interfaces of two graphs are identical or not, i.e.
272  //! nodes with same index are equal and the order of adjacent edges
273  //! is the same. This function performs NO GRAPH ISOMORPHISM !!!
274  //! Thus, slight changes in the node order etc. will result in a
275  //! non-equal interface!
276  //! @param toCompare the Graph_Interface to compare to
277  //! @return true if both graph interfaces are different
278  virtual
279  bool
280  operator!=(const Graph_Interface& toCompare ) const;
282  ////////////////// STATIC MEMBERS /////////////////////////////////////
284  typedef std::vector<size_t> CompLabel;
286  /*!
287  * Computes the connected components of a given graph. It stores the
288  * connected component ID of each node within the provided container
289  * and returns the number of components.
290  * @param g the graph to check for connected components
291  * @param compID the container to store the component ID information
292  * within
293  * @return the number of connected components within g
294  */
295  static
296  size_t
298  , CompLabel & compID );
300  protected:
303  /*!
304  * Performs a depths-first-search labeling of all accessible nodes
305  * starting from curNode within g. The reached nodes are labeled
306  * with the given label in the component ID container compID
307  *
308  * @param the graph to screen
309  * @param curNode the node to start the search from
310  * @param compID the container to store the component ID information
311  * within
312  * @param label the component ID to be used for all nodes of the
313  * connected component reachable from curNode
314  */
315  static
316  void
318  , const size_t curNode
319  , CompLabel & compID
320  , const size_t label );
322  };
324 } // namespace sgm
327 #include <iostream>
328 #include <iomanip>
331  /*! Prints a Graph_Interface instance to stream. For each node its label and
332  * the adjancent nodes including the edge label is printed.
333  *
334  * @param out the stream to write to
335  * @param g the graph to write
336  * @return the modified out stream
337  */
338 std::ostream&
339 operator <<( std::ostream & out, const sgm::Graph_Interface& g );
342  // include inline function bodies
343 #include "sgm/Graph_Interface.icc"
345 #endif /*SGM_GRAPH_INTERFACE_HH_*/