Generated on Wed Apr 29 2015 11:51:41 for GGL-4.1.2 by doxygen
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
|oCGraph_GML_grammarGraph GML parser
|oCGraph_GML_writerGraph GML writer
|oCGraph_GMLparserGraph GML parser
|oCGraph_gSpan_writerGraph gSpan writer
|oCGraph_GXL_writerGraph GXL writer
|oCGraph_StorageInterface graph storage
|oCGS_STL_pushAllPTStores new graph pointers in STL push-back container
|oCGS_STL_pushAllTGraph storage within STL push-back container
|oCGS_STL_pushUniquePTUnique storage of new graph pointers in STL push-back container
|oCGS_STL_pushUniqueTUnique storage of graphs in STL push-back container
|oCGS_streamGraph storage within output stream
|oCLeftSidePatternRule left side pattern
|oCMR_ApplyRuleGraph Grammar Rule application for each reported match
|oCRightSidePatternRule right side graph
|oCRule_ConCodesRule consistency codes
|oCRule_GML_errorRule parsing error
|oCRule_GML_grammarGraph grammar rule parser
|oCRule_GML_writerRule GML writer
|\CRule_GMLparserGraph grammar rule parser
 oCGM_vf2VF2 graph isomorphism
 oCGraph_boostGraph_Interface wrapper for boost graphs
 oCGraph_boostV_pGraph_Interface wrapper for set of boost graphs
 oCGraph_InterfaceInterface of graphs for graph matching
 oCGraphMatchingInterface graph isomorphism
 oCMatch_ReporterInterface graph match reporting
 oCMC_EdgeInterface edge match constraint
 oCMC_EdgeLabelConstrains edge labels within a match
 oCMC_NodeInterface node match constraints
 oCMC_NodeAdjacencyConstrains a node's adjacency for a match
 oCMC_NodeLabelConstrains a node's labels for a matching
 oCMC_NoEdgeForbids an edge within a match
 oCMR_CountingCounts matches
 oCMR_StoringTStores each match in an STL container
 oCMR_streamWrites each match to an output stream
 oCMR_SymmBreakSymmetry breaking among matches
 oCNSPDK_portPorts NSPDK functionality to SGM
 oCPA_OrderCheckOrder based automorphism exclusion
 oCPattern_AutomorphismAutomorphism description for patterns
 oCPattern_InterfacePattern description to be matched
 oCRingPerceptionInterface ring enumeration
 oCRingReporterInterface to report found rings
 oCRP_Hanser96Ring enumeration ala Hanser et al
 oCSGM_vf2VF2-based subgraph matching
 oCSubGraphSubgraph of a Graph_Interface for matching
 oCSubGraphMatchingInterface for subgraph monomorphism
 \CVF2_MatchingHandlerGeneral VF2-matching functionalities