Generated on Wed Apr 29 2015 11:51:41 for GGL-4.1.2 by doxygen
Data Structures | Typedefs
ggl::chem Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  AP_disabled
 disables aromaticity prediction More...
class  AP_NSPDK
 NSPDK-based aromaticity prediction. More...
class  AP_NSPDK_Model
 NSPDK aromaticity model. More...
class  AromaticityPerception
 Interface - aromaticity prediction. More...
class  ChemRule
 Chemical graph grammar rule. More...
class  ChemRule_Constants
 Consistency codes and constants. More...
class  ClassIDGraph
class  EC_MoleculeDecomposition
 Molecule energy ala Jankowski et al. More...
class  EnergyCalculation
 Interface molecule energy calculation. More...
class  EnergyCalculationConstants
 Constants for energy calculations. More...
class  GS_chem
 Interface molecule graph storage. More...
class  GS_MolCheck
 Molecule correction graph storage. More...
class  GS_SMILES
 SMILES graph storage. More...
 SMILES graph storage using STL SMILES-Graph map. More...
 SMILES graph storage using STL SMILES-GraphPointer map. More...
 SMILES graph storage OpenBabel. More...
 SMILES graph storage OpenBabel using STL SMILES-Graph map. More...
 SMILES graph storage OpenBabel using STL SMILES-GraphPointer map. More...
class  LeftSidePattern
 LeftSidePattern graph of a ggl::chem::ChemRule. More...
class  MC_MC_NodeAdjacency
 Match constraints of MoleculeComponents. More...
class  MC_MC_NodeLabel
class  MoleculeComponent
 Molecule component definition. More...
class  MoleculeComponent_GML_grammar
 MoleculeComponent parser. More...
class  MoleculeComponent_GMLparser
 MoleculeComponent parser. More...
class  MoleculeDecomposition
 Molecule energy estimation ala Jankowski et al. More...
class  MoleculeOB
 OpenBabel molecule object port. More...
class  MoleculeUtil
 Molecule utility factory. More...
class  MR_Reactions
 Reaction match reporter. More...
class  Reaction
 Reaction description. More...
class  ReactionRateCalculation
 Interface reaction rate calculation. More...
class  ReactionTransitionState
 Transition state of a reaction. More...
class  RRC_ArrheniusLaw
 Arrhenius law based reaction rate calculation. More...
class  RRC_Fixed
class  RRC_TState
class  SMILES_grammar
 SMILES molecule parser. More...
class  SMILESparser
 SMILES molecule parser. More...
class  SMILESwriter
 Molecule to SMILES writer. More...
class  SMILESwriterOB
 Molecule to SMILES writer via OpenBabel. More...


typedef std::map< const
*, std::string > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef ggl::Graph Molecule
typedef ggl::Graph_NodeProperties Molecule_AtomProperties
typedef ggl::Graph_EdgeProperties Molecule_BondProperties
typedef sgm::Graph_boost
< Molecule, PropNodeLabel,
PropEdgeLabel, PropNodeIndex
 Wrapper typedef to use a Molecule within the SGM Graph_Interface. More...
typedef sgm::Graph_boostV_p
< Molecule, PropNodeLabel,
PropEdgeLabel, PropNodeIndex
typedef ggl::NodeIndexSet NodeIndexSet
 Set of node indices. More...
typedef ggl::NodeIndexVec NodeIndexVec
 Vector of node indices. More...
typedef ggl::PropEdgeLabel PropEdgeLabel
typedef ggl::PropNodeIndex PropNodeIndex
typedef ggl::PropNodeLabel PropNodeLabel
typedef ggl::RightSidePattern RightSidePattern
 RightSidePattern graph of a ggl::chem::ChemRule. More...
typedef std::map< std::string,
ggl::chem::Molecule * > 

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map< const ggl::chem::Molecule*, std::string > ggl::chem::Graph2SmilesMap

Type for mapping of graph implementations to SMILES strings

Definition at line 74 of file MR_Reactions.hh.

typedef std::map< std::string, MoleculeComponent > ggl::chem::GroupMap

Container for molecule group ID -> subgraph mappings

   Container to store the IDs of molecular groups that can be represented
   within molecules by a single node and that are replaced by according
   subgraphs (stored within this container).

Definition at line 45 of file MoleculeUtil.hh.

The boost graph based molecule representation of atoms and bonds

Martin Mann (c) 2008

Definition at line 47 of file Molecule.hh.

The boost properties stored for an atom in a molecule

Martin Mann (c) 2008

Definition at line 35 of file Molecule.hh.

The boost properties stored for a bond in a molecule

Martin Mann (c) 2008

Definition at line 41 of file Molecule.hh.

Definition at line 54 of file Molecule.hh.

Wrapper typedef to use a vector of Molecule objects within the SGM Graph_Interface

Definition at line 62 of file Molecule.hh.

Definition at line 20 of file Molecule.hh.

Definition at line 17 of file Molecule.hh.

This boost graph property is used to determine the label of a given bond edge.

Definition at line 28 of file Molecule.hh.

This boost graph property is used to determine the index of a given atom node along the iterator order.

Definition at line 14 of file Molecule.hh.

This boost graph property is used to determine the label of a given atom node.

Definition at line 24 of file Molecule.hh.

Definition at line 13 of file ChemRuleGraph.hh.

typedef std::map< std::string, ggl::chem::Molecule* > ggl::chem::Smiles2GraphMap

Type for mapping of SMILES strings to their graph implementation

Definition at line 58 of file MR_Reactions.hh.