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Sunday, 09 Feb 2025 - Friday, 14 Feb 2025


"Computational Biology, Computational Mathematics, Theoretical Biology, Bioinformatics, Biological Networks"

Registration Fee

300,- € (double room) / 425,- € (single room)

Available AV equipment

black board, overhead projector, beamer, laptop (linux) network, internet access via Wlan



Villa Plemelj
Prešernova 39
4260 Bled, Slovenia
Phone: +386 4 5743 023
GPS Coordinates: 46.371121,14.108504
Hotel Astoria
Prešernova 44
4260 Bled, Slovenia
Phone: +386 4 579 44 00
Fax:     +386 4 579 44 01

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How to get there
From Ljubljana airport you have the following options to get to the Winterseminar:
  • take a regular taxi (approx. 50 €)
  • public bus transfer, first to Ljubljana city and from there to Bled
  • Airport Shuttle ZUP prevozi (recommended, special rates for groups)
If you arrive via train at Lesce-Bled, you can take a taxi or go by bus to the main bus station (search for connections from Lesce to Bled)


If you want to attend the 40th TBI Winterseminar in Bled, please register via our registration page below (password required)

In case you have further questions, please send an email to the organizers:
bled (at) viennarna (dot) at

Registered Participants

Number Name Affiliation Talk Title Payment Status
1MarcHellmuthStockholm UniversityTBA
2CristianVelandiaTBI WienTBA
3IvoHofackerTBI Wien
4MaximilianFaissnerTBI WienSomething about Enzyme Promiscuity
5Hua-TingYaoTBI WienSomething more about probing
6LeonhardSidlTBI WienTBA
7Casper AsbjørnEriksenSDU OdenseCreating Atom-Level Chemical Reaction Networks from Biochemical Models
8NoraBeierBioinformatik Uni LeipzigTBA